Moving Day and Another Strange Meeting

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"Mama, when we are going home?" Teddy asks as I dress him after his shower.

"We need to go buy some things for our new home."

"Blue?" He asks as his hair becomes visibly blue and I laugh.

"Yes, Teddy. I am going to buy some blue items for you and paint parts of your room blue too." I say and he claps. "Okay, stay here and watch some cartoons while I shower, okay?"

"Otay!" He says and sits on the bed, and I head to take a shower.

~You seem to be handling things well, Mistress.~

I turn my head and see Killian leaning against the bathroom door and looking ahead.

"Hello Killian, what brings you here?"

~Simply visiting my Mistress and seeing how you are doing.~

"Well, Teddy and I are doing fine for the most part. It's only the second day Killian but I do appreciate your concern." I say as I keep showering, unbothered with his presence. "I already found a home for us to move into, but I need to buy a few items and have them delivered before I can start working my magic on the place."

~Using puns are we now Mistress?~

"I am allowed to Killian after--" I stop, and my mind goes back to my previous world and time. My eyes become vacant as I take deep breaths to calm myself. My hands fist as I inhale and exhale before calming down. "After everything that's happened. I am more than glad that Teddy hasn't had any nightmares. Remember how it was in the beginning of Teddy's and I stay in that dimension?"

~That I do Mistress. I remember when he even sought out my companionship, much to my surprise.~

I chuckle at his words. "I did tell you he isn't afraid of you. If anything, he could see you as an uncle of sorts." Were my words and hear him chuckle at the comment before a squeal was heard and then an 'oof!' from Killian. Looking, I see a little blue haired toddler hugging Killian's legs.

"Killian!" Teddy shouts and Killian slowly caresses his hair. "Are you staying?"

~Not for long little one. I only came to see how you are doing.~ Killian answers and then Teddy hugs him again and goes back to the bed. ~It is good to see him relaxed and laughing.~

"Yes, it is. Well, I am done with the shower. Also, since you're here I wanted to ask you something." I say as I wrap a towel around myself. "Are there many humans in this world with red eyes? Because if there are, I've nothing to worry about. If that's not the case, I am going to worry that Riddle somehow followed me into this world as well."

~A man with red eyes? Well, you can relax Mistress, Riddle's soul is still in my care.~ Killian answers and I see the sadistic look on his face for a moment. ~To answer your question, no. There shouldn't be any humans with red eyes. This human could have gotten his eyes altered scientifically.~

"Hmm, perhaps that makes sense. Thank you, Killian."

~You're welcome, Mistress, I shall visit another time.~ With that, Killian vanishes in a dark cloud, and I shake my head before getting dressed and ready.

"Alright Teddy, let's get going." I tell my son and then decide to put the used towels in a bag and out the door. That way when I come back, I can ask for clean once over at the front desk. Once again, I ward the door and the handle and leave the do not disturb sign on the outside, so no one goes in.


Having to go out of the city to find multiple stores closer to the house that sells furniture, was very convenient. Not to mention Teddy loved the car ride, the sights and then just took a nap which worked wonders for me.

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