Chapter 3

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Aurelia's POV

I opened my eyes as I felt something hit my face , I looked to see Kali's hand on my face . This is exactly why I hate sleeping next to this girl .

I looked beside me at the clock and noticed it was almost 12 .

I groaned as I felt a headache coming from just the movement of getting out of the bed, since they were still sleeping I decided to go get in the shower .

After my long shower I walked into the closet , I starred at all the clothes in front of me , after realizing it might be cold outside I checked the weather , and yup it's cold outside .

I decided to put on some black leggings with a black shirt and a black puffy jacket . As well as a black beanie. And for my shoes I decided on black and white air Jordan's , I made sure to add some jewelry and grabbed my sunglasses as I put them on my face . Today I'd go with a natural look , no makeup .

I walked out and noticed my bed was done and my friends were laying on it already changed and ready to leave

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I walked out and noticed my bed was done and my friends were laying on it already changed and ready to leave .

" We're going out to get breakfast " said Vera groaning as she gripped her head .

I just handed her , her sunglasses as she quietly thanked me and put them on .

" GOOD MORNING " said Gonzalo loudly causing all of us to groan .

" Not My fault y'all went crazy " said Gonzalo with a smirk .

We all hopped into our cars , me getting in mine with the girls . Instead of listening to loud music and singing our hearts out like usual, we put on our hangover playlist as the three of us just enjoyed the ride .

We pulled up into a diner that the boys had chosen . Getting out of my car I stretched cracking some bones in the process causing me to let out a sigh .

" This food better be good if we drove almost 40 minutes " I said as I fixed my sunglasses on my face .

" It's the best " someone said .

As soon as we walked in we were lead to our table , the waitress set our menus in front of us . And then left making sure to sway her hips . I rolled my eyes at her as I looked down at the menu .

" I recommend the pancakes " said Alejandro I looked up at him as he started talking and my eyes went to the right as I saw the same man from last night causing me to tense up.

Thank god for the sunglasses , because he would
Not be able to tell I was looking right at him . As if he could feel my eyes on him he looked up from his phone and looked right into my soul .

Oh Jesus Christ , this man looked good in anything . He was now wearing a white t-shirt and I could see all the tattoos he had , Mmm . 

" Are you guys ready to order " I heard causing me to come back to reality as she went around taking everyone's orders .

" And you " she said annoyed .

" I'll take the pancakes with a side of eggs , sausage and hash browns " I told her still looking at the mysterious man .

" k " was all she back causing me to look at her .

" Anyways , what are we doing since our parents are leaving " said Kali as she saw I was about to get smart with the rude waiter .

" I actually heard of a party happening this weekend " said Grayson .

" Who's " asked Alejandro

" It's the Ramirez " said Grayson .

" I'll have to sit this one out " said Gonzalo .

" what , why. " asked James .

" I have business to attend to " he said .

" Do you have business or are you avoiding a certain Ramirez " I said as I took a sip of my coffee .

" I have business to attend , mom and dad are leaving so I need to get some stuff done " he said rolling his eyes .

Just as he said that the waitress returned with plates , she set everyone's stuff down and then left . And of course everyone's but mine .

" Excuse me " I said getting her attention after waiting for almost 10 minutes after she dropped the other food off.

" what " she said causing me to raise a brow .

" I've been waiting on my food for 10 minutes and everyone else already has theres " I said nicely .

" Oops it must have slipped my mind " she said with a fake laugh as she went to the back and came back 5 minutes later .

" here " she said as she harshly put it down in front of me .

" What the fuck is this bitches problem " I said .

Everyone else was practically done but i still hadn't touched my food , I was just sipping on my coffee .

" Are you not going to eat " asked Grayson while raising a brow.

" The bitch probably spat in it " I said as I scrolled through my phone .

" You have to eat something " said Gonzalo as he sighed.

" I'm fine , I'm not hungry " I told them .

I looked up as my eyes connected with him once again . I tapped each of the girls under the table as they were both on each side of me . They looked up seeing what I was looking at and they both looked back at me .

" Oh my god is this destiny " whispered Vera in my ear .

" No " I said .

" it most definitely is " whispered Kali in my other ear .

" Y'all need to stop ! You two are like the devils on my shoulders " I whispered back .

" You love us " laughed Vera .

After everyone was done we all got up and started walking towards the door , As I got closer to
The door I turned to look at the Handsome stranger one last time.

I sighed as I made eye contact with him , although he couldn't see my eyes due to the sunglasses still being on my face , I gave him a small nod getting one in return as he looked me up and down.

Goodbye stranger .

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