Leo's Gone?! Oh, Hi Leo

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Vincent got jealous of Charles and rushed over to the two men. Vincent quickly grabbed Leo's hand and kissed it.

"Don't you know who this is?" asked Vincent.

"It's your boyfriend," said Charles.


What a pleasure."

Charles tried to pull Leo into a hug, but Vincent shoved him back. (Yes)

"Don't touch me," said Leo.

"Get out of my apartment."

Vincent stalked over to Charles and punched him in the face.

Charles fell backwards onto the couch and hit his head hard.

"Owwww!" he cried.

Vincent stood over him and watched him.

"Get out," said Vincent.

"Get out of my apartment."

Leo ran out of the apartment in fear.

Charles scrambled up and ran out the door.

Vincent felt bad for scaring Leo and wanted to go find him. 

Charles slammed the door and Vincent rushed over to the door.

He pushed at the door until it was open and stepped out onto the street.

"It's going to be okay," said Vincent.

"Let's go look for Leo."

Vincent walked down the street, looking for signs of a man.

He walked for a few minutes before he saw two figures running down the street towards him.

Vincent held up his hand and the figures skidded to a halt.

"Leo!" said Vincent.

"Please, tell me you're okay."

Leo pushed Vincent away.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"Don't come near me!"

Leo turned and ran down the street.

Vincent ran after him.

Leo jumped into a cab and Vincent grabbed the door and pulled the cabbie inside.

Vincent asked the cabbie to take him to Leo's apartment, but the cabbie refused.

"You're not welcome here," said the cabbie.

Vincent stepped out of the cab and felt something cold against his face.

He looked up and saw a security guard staring at him.

Vincent slowly reached for his knife, but the guard pulled it from his hand and arrested Vincent.

The guard walked over to him and put handcuffs on his wrists.

"You could've gotten yourself hurt," said the guard.

"Sorry," said Vincent.

"I'll see you in the morning."

The guard put handcuffs on Vincent's ankles.

"Be here at five a. m. tomorrow," said the guard.

"Leo's sick with the flu, so I was watching over him."

"I'll be here," said Vincent.

"Good," said the guard.

"I've got some paperwork to fill out, but then you can go."

"Thanks," said Vincent.

"I'll be out in the morning."

Vincent walked over to the guard's desk and sat down.

The guard quickly scribbled something on a clipboard and pushed it across to Vincent.

"Here you are," said the guard.

"Good night, sir."

Vincent stood up and slowly walked out of the building.

He walked over to his apartment and went inside.

He climbed the stairs to his apartment and started to knock.

The door opened and he saw Charles.

"Come in," said Charles.

"I heard you got arrested."

Vincent entered and Charles closed the door.

"Well," said Charles.

"You should know that I have the apartment all to myself tonight."

"Oh really," said Vincent.

"And why is that?"

"Because the police are coming to question me in Leo's disappearance."

"What?" said Vincent.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought you'd get in the way.

Besides, it's no big deal.

I just found the cabbie's body and I have to take care of that."

"I didn't kill the cabbie," said Vincent.

"I'm just an innocent bystander."

"Is that right," said Charles.

"What do you think that man was doing inside your apartment?"

"I thought he was just helping me with something," said Vincent.

"So you knocked on his door and then attacked him when he came in?

What a sicko!"

"It's not like that," said Vincent.

"Look, Leo's been upset lately, and I thought he was coming over to talk.

I would never hurt him.

He was probably just trying to help me."

"What exactly is going on, Leo?" asked Charles.

"I'm not quite sure," said Leo.

"I guess I need to get away for a while."

"Good idea," said Charles.

"Are you going to check out of the Hotel?"

"Yeah, I was planning to leave tomorrow morning.

I just need to go somewhere and think."

"I think I could use some peace and quiet as well," said Charles.

"I'll keep the door locked and the lights out.

It'll be your secret place."

"Thanks," said Leo.

"See you tomorrow."

Vincent left his apartment and made his way down the stairs.

He then walked over to the cab driver and gave him an extra five hundred dollars for all his trouble.

He said goodbye to the cab driver, and he walked over to his bike.

He got on and started it.

Vincent rode out of the city and rode into the night.

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