Chapter 7🍜

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Sarada opened her eyes before immediately closing them when she was assaulted by a bright light. She let out a rather loud groan and attempted to turn on her side but failed.

Looking down at her hand, she saw a short-chain connecting her to the wall. She looked around to see she was in a torture chamber of sorts and chained to the wall just as she were her teammates. As if hit by a freight train everything came rushing back. They were attacked by a group of rogue ninja while returning from their mission.


They were jumping from tree to tree trying to get back home as fast as possible, Mitsuki in the front, Sarada and Boruto in the middle animatedly
bantering as per usual, and Konahamaru in the back watching amused.

Something in corner of his eye caught his attention and he looked to see a paper bomb on a tree above attached to a string attached to a paper bomb surrounding the area and his students were about to walk straight into it.

Before he could open his mouth to yell at them there, the bombs went off blowing up not only trees but the surrounding area and him as well. Branches fell and scattered burying him and his students. Before he passed out he summoned a monkey and sent it to Konoha.


She began pulling on the chain which should be easily broken with her strength but wasn't because said strength was gone.

"That's not gonna work we injected you with a sedative that weakens your chakra,"  she looked up towards the owner of the voice to see a woman with blonde hair and dull green eyes.

"Who are you? What do you want with us? Where are we?" Sarada asked in fast succession as she slowly backed into the wall away from the bars separating them.

"Who we are is none of your business,  we want nothing from you and we are somewhere no one will find you," she answered to Saradas's surprise before walking away.

A groan sounded from the back of the cell and Sarada looked to see Boruto slowly regaining consciousness.

"Boruto, are you ok!" She asked worry lacing her voice

"Will you stop yelling," he said taking a glance around "and I'm chained to a wall, of course, I'm not ok." He concluded, and with those words, any worry Sarada had for him dissipated instantly.

She scoffed, "I can't believe I was worried about you," she's hissed lowly. Her attention returned to the bars when she heard the creak of its hinges opening. The same woman from before walked in with a man behind her pushing a tray.

The woman turned her attention towards Sarada who was pressing into the wall as if she would go through it. She reached a hand towards the tray beside her and picked up a syringe and began walking toward Sarada who started thrashing around.

Her thrashing however was futile as she felt the syringe press against her neck. The last thing she heard before losing consciousness was Boruto screaming at her.


Sasuke arrived at the Hokage tower and jumped through the window. Naruto let out a yell as a stack of papers collapsed. 

"What the hell, what are you doing he"

"Team 7 has been captured,"  Sasuke said cutting Naruto off. He seemed to freeze before calling Anbu and whispering something to them, they took off. He began jotting on a paper before summoning a frog and sending it off.

"What are you doing? Why aren't we going after them?" Sasuke asked weirdly frantic, Naruto only ignored him and a few minutes later Sakura came barreling through the door.

"Is it true? They took the children," Sakura asked Sasuke who showed them the monkey that told him.

"Tell us exactly what happened," she turned her attention to the monkey who did as told and retold the events as he had seen it.

"We leave now," Naruto said, "take us to the place where they last were."

And then they were off following behind the small creature.

Please be alright. That's all they could hope for.


- Thanks for reading my story

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