SHITPOSTS (69 followers special)

120 9 33

Hello fellow human beings and lost aliens!

Hello fellow human beings and lost aliens!

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thank you SoySause1 for being my 69th follower

Anyway, have some shitposts

Anyway, have some shitposts

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^America and Mexico

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^America and Mexico

^America and Mexico

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^UK and America

^Serbia and Croatia

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^Serbia and Croatia

^Serbia and Croatia

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^Russia Empire, Austrian Empire, Prussia and Poland

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^Russia Empire, Austrian Empire, Prussia and Poland

^Russia Empire, Austrian Empire, Prussia and Poland

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^Finland and USSR

and some stuff I made

and some stuff I made

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No but seriously, thanks for 69 followers! I've never thought I'll get this far!

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No but seriously, thanks for 69 followers! I've never thought I'll get this far!

I'm curious, how did you find this profile?

Until we meet again folks!

Enjoy your day/night/estavur



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