guess what? even more designs

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hello fellow human beings and lost aliens!

I just didn't want to include them with axis powers, so I'm posting Egypt and Serbia in separate chapter

there's no connection between them, I just felt like drawing them

there's no connection between them, I just felt like drawing them

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and I re-designed Serbia

and I re-designed Serbia

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shout out to @Bluebunny2017 for giving me the idea of Serbia's

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shout out to @Bluebunny2017 for giving me the idea of Serbia's.... um..... paranoia


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headcanon dump:most of the scars made in WWII were created by independent state of Croatia (aka Croatia) who is Serbia's brother

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headcanon dump:
most of the scars made in WWII were created by independent state of Croatia (aka Croatia) who is Serbia's brother. every since the war ended he became paranoid and started training like crazy and made sure to be armed at all times

also, he's bipolar, which explains his good reputations with the west and Russia and China. he's a weird peer.

should I make a headcanon book? yay or nay?

Anyways enjoy your day/night/estavur!

U zdravlje


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