Experimentation with a Dream

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So u decided to read on, well I have had this dream to make a movie since, well childhood, ideas have come and gone but not these two.

The first one's plot goes something like this( I'll hunt u down if u copy it or get 'inspired' by it): dude wakes up and is immediately told to stop an evil company from destorying the earth as it is apparently digging a hole to extract an invaluable material from the core of the planet, so the story continues with him getting a few teammates, comrades.

The evil company uses special cyborg soldiers who can be salvaged fast by collecting their defeated bodies unless ofcourse u erase them from existence, if u know what I mean.

So what happens is that as the story progresses, viewers may or may not notice that there are MAJOR issues with the time they start a conversation and the time they end it, the location at which a person said something and the place where he ended his sentence and when they entered a place and when they left it.

This is foreshadowing the ending.

As they progress through the story the friends get picked off one by one until at the end, our hero reaches the end mining control room with his remaining friend who is apparently killed by the last boss, the hero successfully dispatches the boss but is too weak to get up and cancel the timer, when the timer hits zero, he closes his eyes and hears a siren go off and sounds of shuffling feet, then he opens his eyes to see workers in white give his 'friend' a hand to get up off the ground, a passerby notices this and calls to someone telling that the main guy's still awake and hears a reply telling him to do hard reset on the main dude and then start him over, the worker complies and comes over to him and says sweet dreams before knocking out the main. The scene then cuts to the 'beginning' of the movie where he wakes up to be told about 'the company' then the movie ends.

The second movie is about a doctor who sympathises with our main, she decides to do her best to get him out and so she inserts herself in the routine by sweet talking her superior lady, she slowly develops an emotional relationship with the main and eventually tells him all about what was actually happening and helps him secretly remove the mind wipe device in his hypocampus. Their relationship ends with her death and his mutation into a semi-plagued organism and he decides to take revenge on 'the company' when he returns.Yeah and turns out, the company's true motive was to get him to become a super human, who can better fight the actual threat to the earth, The Dark Elves. I'll give more details upon request.

Comments are appreciated, votes will be rewarded.(Dark elf, the name of the aliens is debatable, but darn it sounds cool)

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