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I feel like an idiot, I've been trying to figure out this dude for almost a year and don't even know his name. He is much stronger looking than me, he's tall probably 6'3 or around there, and has beautiful hazel eyes. Oh and he's got fluffy black hair, and a perfect jawline, hell he kinda is perfect. Plus unlike me he's got friends, not many but he's got some. Fuck I should probably stop staring at him before he catches me. Too late.

I darted my eyes down to my food and pretended I hadn't been looking at him. "Do you have a problem with me?" I looked up and there he was, "No." "Then stop fuckin staring at me, cause I'll give you a problem." "Okay, you can uhm go away now." He sat down across from me and grabbed my lunch, and took a bite outta my sandwich. "PB&J?" "Yeah." "You got any friends?" "Nope." He frowned, "Make some."

"It's not that...easy." He took another bite and looked me dead in the eye. "Yes it is, look I'll show you. Introduce yourself." "To who?" "Me, dumbass." "Hey...I'm Xavier Lod-" "Don't say your last name, that's more like your meeting a future business partner. Try again." "Hey I'm Xavier, what's uhm your name?" "Don't say 'uhm', now try again." "Why? What's this do to fuckin help me?" He ate the rest of the sandwich and took a sip of my water.

"Your an introvert, I'm simply making you talk. My name's Ace, thanks for the sandwich." He got up and went back to his friends, I can't tell if he's being nice or mean. I ate the rest of my food and put on my playlist, then I sat my head on the table. A few minutes later someone grabbed one of my airpods out my ear and I looked at them, "Give it back Ansley." "I heard you made a friend today, does he know your gay?" I snatched the airpod from my sister, "If your talking about Ace, we're not friends. And no, he doesn't know I'm gay."

She sat down and lit a joint, "Come on X, you should try atleast." I took a hit, "Mhm." We smoked for a bit, the school doesn't have cameras and usually there aren't teachers in the lunchroom. But of course the stupid principal just so happens to see me, and he's with security! "Fuck, Ansley run." We both hopped up and I threw the bud down, "You take left, I'll take right." She ran to the right I grabbed my phone and airpods, then ran to the left.

I could hear them behind me but I didn't slow down until I lost them. Then I walked back into the lunchroom to hide among the other students, but Ace grabbed me by my waist and pulled me down to his table. "Your quite the trouble maker hmm?" I looked at Ace and he was grinning. "I," I took a breath, "guess." "You left this." He handed me one of my airpods, and my water he originally took. "Thanks Ace." "Your welcome, introduce yourself to them." I chugged down the water and stood up, "Bye, I'm Xavier and I'll uhm probably never talk to you guys again."

Ace frowned, "I said introduce yourself, not leave." "Who declared you boss of me?" He pulled me back down accidentally onto his lap, "I did." "Fag." Jason muttered as him and his friends started leaving. "The fuck did you say." Ace demanded and Jason turned around. "I was talking to you, I was talking to your bitch." "Who, Xavier? We're both straight, fags are gross." Jason gave me a confused look, "X, we need to have a conversation, alone." "Yup." I got up and walked with them out the building.

"Ace thinks your straight?" "I guess, and let's keep it that way." He pushed me against the wall, "Or what?" "I uhm I will te...tell the principal!" He laughed, "I don't give a flying fuck about some bitchass punishment." "J-just don't." "I won't, for now." He let go of me before giving me a nasty right hook. They chuckled and I punched him back. "Hit me again and I'll tell your boyfriend your little secret." Dammit, Ansley really wants me to make friends. I can't ruin my only shot.

I pushed past him and went back inside and Ace motioned for me to come to him so I did. "What happened to your face? Dude you guys fight or something?" "It's nothing, but I've gotta go so-" "Go where?" "Home." "Why, did he say something or-" "Yo, quit asking me questions, I'm just bored." He mumbled something and I said, "What?" Instantly he started talking to his friends, he was purposely ignoring me! Whatever, I'm gonna look extra happy then. I lit a joint and one of them said, "I don't really like that smell, can you do that somewhere else?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2021 ⏰

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