# Part 10 : "Possessed ?"

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YAHH If Ya really like to Read Do Vote, I don't say please But I really Want to Say That It Takes a lot of time and strength, So please Do Vote. At least For Me, or For Mah Baby Heatu 💜🙆.

*Y/n POV*

*Slammed Opened the Doors*

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*Slammed Opened the Doors*....

You opened the door and Saw TXT sittin' at chairs and Yeonjun was Applying Medi cream to Their Bruiaes, TXT Looked and rolled their Eyes....

Kai: Now What You want Ms Innocent Mate...?

Y/n:Yahh...At Least Don't be Saicastic...!!

Taehyun: Ohh You didn't Liked it...! Than Don't You Just Leave...!

Y/n:*sigh*...Fine... Enjoy You company Mr Arrogant Vampire..!

You turned to leave in anger but....

Kai:*hissed in Pain*... Hyung... Apply it Gently... It's Hurting..!

Yeonjun: Yahh... Don't whine like A Baby..!!

Y/n Mind: I really Hate This~~~

You Take Deep Breath and Walked towards TXT,You Snatched the Cream From yeonjun...

Yeonjun: Are you mad you~~

Y/n: If Ya apply medice With bare Fingers of course It gonna Hurt...!!

You took Some cotton And Added some Cream on it, You Took Kai's hand But of course He Protested....

Kai: Yahh~~

Y/n: I'm not Eat Your Hand...So Cool down'...!

Kai Shuted His Mouth and You Treated His Wounds.....

Y/n: I should Say sorry....But Somewhere They Are Right...!

Beomgyu: They Are our masters... Whatever They Do is Right..! But You..? You're such a Sly Fox...!

Y/n: Here it's done...!

You Let Go of Kai's hand and .....

Y/n: Maybe You're Right.......or Maybe You're Wrong..!

Txt Looked a You With Confusion, You put the cotton Away and Stepped Away....

Y/n: I don't know neither I want Y'all to Trust Me......But That It really wasn't Me...! *Sad smile*......

"15 Dooms and 1 Mate".(BTS x Reader x stray kids).Extraordinary L0√€ Story .Where stories live. Discover now