[ fluff ] sweet misunderstandings

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amazing artwork made
by _malamode_ on ig!

please don't find me

please don't find me

please don't find me

you repeated these thoughts forcibly into your head as your hands were both covering your nose and mouth as you carefully listen to any sounds of movement around your surroundings.

you were hiding behind some boxes somewhere in the factory that you've managed to slip in as for you to escape from that . . . that monstrous, tall beast that was chasing after you a while ago. if it wasn't for your panicking out of fear, you could've been killed on the spot.

somehow, as it was chasing you, your hands moved on their own by taking off the grabpack you were wearing then flinging it straight to its face, which then made it halt as it touches its face, as if wondering if it just really been hit in the face by a freaking grabpack, and by a human for that matter.

you took that short moment as the perfect chance to take a turn and look for some multiple rooms that you think it wouldn't easily find you in, which then results to you hiding in like a huge storage room that's filled with nothing but huge boxes and some scattered, broken pieces of the same porcelain dolls.

that whole chase was so terrifying that you nearly fainted when it's long and wide arms almost tripped you on your feet. you were totally not expecting it to come out of that void. you shouldn't have placed that toy on that chute. you shouldn't have taken that letter when you randomly found it lying on your doorstep one day you got home from work. and that letter coming from the toy factory that you were supposed to employ in but never got accepted to, it sure was ironic for them to be sending you a weird, written letter after rejecting you five years ago.

and now i'm stuck inside and is being chased by one of their stupid mascots that i am for sure was made to be for children when it turns out to be nothing but a murderous beast instead

like, how is it even . . . alive
and moving around like that?

your thoughts were cut short when you suddenly heard a loud yet low growl coming from a near distance, perhaps just outside of the room you were in.

so, you waited . . .

until you suddenly hear some loud thumping coming from above you where the vents were and of course, as luck can sometimes be a bitch, the vent just right above your head, opened and came out falling is the blue beast, itself.

but before it can even squash you under it's weight, you swiftly moved out of the way with a yelp as you immediately went off to run and escape. that plan soon failed when you felt yourself suddenly falling forward due to something grabbing you by the leg as you crashed down on the floor.

you then turned yourself upwards and looked down to see that it's no other than the yellow hand of the devil, who's now looking at you with that usual wide grin on it's face and those seemingly innocent-looking doe eyes staring right back at your fear-filled ones.

"no! let me go!", you helplessly cried out as you tried to kick it's hand off of you while trying to wriggle yourself out of it's surprisingly, strong grip despite being made of only cottons and strings. it only got worse when another yellow hand suddenly sprung out and in a blur, took both of your wrists and pinned them above your head.

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