Eri's return (Kota x eri)

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Mari couldn't wait until spring break. Her older siblings. They weren't her real siblings obviously. (Dadzawa would never adopt that many kids. He ain't Bruce) They were the old class 1-A at UA high school. One of her 'brothers', izuku midoriya saved her from the evil clutches of overhaul and is now number one pro hero deku. Even tho he had a quirk, he spoke for those who were quirk less and made the world realise that they weren't useless wastes of space.

Alright before we continue, I found this app called shortlyAI and it writes stuff for you!!! I put 

My hero academia in the title and it gave me this!!!

Chapter 1:

"Oh dear" the stoic voice of Aizawa rang.

"He has figured it out" mumbled Aoyama.

"See you later, not in class for the rest of the week" muttered Mineta.

Meanwhile, Bakugou had disappeared. Run.

Fighting invisible monsters on the streets of Tokyo had taken its toll on the young man. His eyes were blackened. His clothes were missing a sleeve and a shoe. He was tired. Really tired. Like, really really tired. He was hungry, too. And thirsty. So, to all his friends and classmates, Bakugou ran away. As fast as his Vans could carry him.

The small black clouds in the sky had finally dragged down with his feet. His muscles ached with every step. He had acquired bruises with every collision with an obstacle. He was bleeding. It was getting really hard to keep walking. His body wanted to stop.

Bakugou's vision was blurry. Really blurry. Somehow, he made it to Izuku's house. The door was jammed with mail (it had gotten really messy).

Like whatttt

Anyways, back to the story.

She eagerly ran to school, laughing about all the fun times she had with the old class A. Like when she and the Baku squad were singing funny songs to help soy sauce get over his break up. Or when she, deku and mirio went over to dadzawa's house to see him asleep and tried to wake him up. He didn't wake up until zuzu yelled that she was in trouble. He knocked his head under the table he was sleeping under.

She got to school, shocked by the surprise in front of her. 21 'problem children' were waiting in front of the school with her dad and Kota. Oh my god Kota!!!! Eri ran to them at full speed. They turned around just in time before getting hit by the blueberry tornado. Of course number 2 pro hero: ground zero caught her just in time. Cause this kid has a habit of catching kids. (Heroes rising).

"Kat!!!!" She screamed and hugged him like back when she was small. Then the rest of them came forward.




"We should never have let bakugo show her around." 

"Queenie!!!!" That's obviously Mina 



"Soy sauce!!!"


"Ear plugs!!"

And everyone else. The people were shocked that she knew all those heroes.

"Hey!" The liar shouted, "why would you guys spend your time with her!? She's so weak even quirkless people are better than her!!!

Ladies, gentlemen, non binary, trans and dogs, this is how you sign your own deathwish.

"You do know who you're talking about now do you? That is eri aizawa, she's eraserhead's adopted daughter. She's stronger than all of you! You wanna know how I know that? My girlfriend was the best hero in the hero course of the most prestigious school in Japan! Ok?! She's so precious, any of the heroes in Japan would kill you the second you touch her. Plus she's hawk's kfc buddy. They always have KFC together so shut up and leave us alone!!!" Kota screamed at them. Mari hugged him and the whole group left to get KFCA cause Kota'S speech made them hungry.

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