I am ..

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Hi , I'm Kaoru Terayama , it's a really nice name right ? But just call me "Kaoru" . Today I'm starting my first day of high school ( I know this really cliche introduction but I'm sorry ) .

I'm very excited about my school uniform . It really fits me well when I put in my body . Black Uniforms ! This uniform is a dream for every boys -- pfft" man of the culture . Like Japanese people usually say "Kakkoi !!(it's cool). Yeah , I feel very handsome and good looking today ( I'm joking please don't hate me ) .

Then , Let's describe myself .
- I'm gloomy guy
- My height is 5'6 , just average like asian people .
- Black Hair
- My schedule ? Of course :
• Manga • Anime • Sleep
- My Favourite Food ? Of Course Potato Chips ( I'm not fat guy like u guys imagine )

My school very close to my house , so I just gonna walk to school rather than ride the bike or bicycle . Nah , I'm gonna have fresh start and forget about my miserable past ! I had plenty of painful memories when I was at Junior High . I don't want to talk about it right now .
( If I'm telling you right away , how I'm gonna be main character in this story ಥ‿ಥ ).

° In the very peaceful morning ..

--"Hey Kaoru ! Are you going to same school with me ? --Eh , wait for me Kaoru ! Don't ignore me like that."

Here we go .. when you're in the way to school , Of course your childhood friend gonna tag along with you .

Rin Tachibana , she'd been friends with me for 8 years . We have been classmates since Elementary School till Junior High. I hope this year I'm not on the same class with her.
She's really cheerful and positive girl .

Exactly , the character you can't hate even you're annoyed by . She was my first love and I confessed to her last year . Of course I got reject by her and she said she wanna be friends till the end of highschool and give me answer after that . Unfortunately , I slipped my tongue and said "yes".

Lol what I'm gonna do ? should I wait for her or looking for another girls ? I'm not gonna talk about it. Just let the fate and destiny be our best answer .

"H-hey Rin , yeah of course , I'm going the same school with you ". ( Of course I put my fake smile )

I don't want to remember how embarrassing I am when I confessed to her last year even though right now she's just doing fine like I never confess to her .

"Are you okay Kao Chan ? I hope we're on same class this year Kao Chan" .

What the-- how can she says that with cute voice . Oh my god , My heart really beating fast than usual right now .

"Please don't tease me Rin , we should hurry up before ceremony start ! It's already 6.48 am right now !".

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2021 ⏰

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