4 ~ Seduction

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Heart pounding with each step past the royal guards, Alexis' hand was slick with sweat across his partner's corset. Split off from Elizabeth and having come here without his sword, the rebel decided there was nothing that would calm his nerves short from a full pint of ale. His partner seemed inclined to just the same as they both turned towards the decorative tables laden with various kegs of ale and wine the moment they stepped foot into the grand ballroom.

Lona turned her body into him and slid a hand under his jacket, seductress that she was. Her voice was low as she drawled, "drinking on the job already, James?" His cover name, given Alexis would have been arrested on the spot had the guards recognized either of them.

Coarse hands roamed the back of Lona's bodice and down to her hips. He leaned forward and let his lips dance at her ear. "Don't think I hadn't noticed this," he mumbled under his breath, grasping at the small canister of alcohol hidden under the folds of her skirt.

Lona breathed a laugh and twisted out to the tables of alcohol. A young servant approached her without delay, empty cups in hand ready to be filled. Words were exchanged to which Lona let out quite an audible laugh, and Alexis watched the spy get to work as she leaned down across the table, her bosom swelling from a maroon and white dress. Black hair spilled across her shoulders and Alexis knew at that moment that the servant was hypnotized.

He took time to scout the room over. Getting in had been as easy as flashing a few gold and one of Lona's aspies finding invitations from a few unsuspecting nobles. The hardest part would be getting back out with a plus one of their own.

The Queen had certainly spared no expense from the glistening chandeliers to the long tables of food- never had he seen so much in one sitting- and diamond adornment hanging across the walls. Even the intricately painted ceiling depicting the Luminae surrounded by nature looked polished. His attention snagged on their backs, as their illusory golden wings shimmered. His eyes saw the wealth, the glamor, but instead of awe he was filled with bitterness.

At the far corner sat a raised dais holding a table weighed with an even further abundance of food. Alexis couldn't help but notice the chairs were still empty. He frowned. The Queen's absence was understandable- he wouldn't have minded it remain so- but for the princess to be absent from her own celebration?

"We've got time," spoke a voice from behind and he turned as Lona handed him a cup full of sweet smelling liquid.


Swirling her glass, her fingers tucked a small parchment under her corset between her breasts as she answered, "The potion of desire. If you're to seduce a princess, you certainly can't do it looking like you're about to stab the next person to approach you."

He drank the dark liquid. "I am," he muttered and she smacked his arm playfully as the room fell to a hush.

A balding man in a perfectly fitted servant's uniform had stepped forward atop a platform leading from the dais. He cleared his throat and began a drooling speech thanking various sponsors and nobles that made Alexis understand why the steward's frown lines were so deep. Even so, when he was finished and those wide doors opened, Alexis wished the old man had continued.

If the blood red dress didn't demand attention, the Queen's imposing demeanor took all of it just fine. Chin held high, she strode through the doorway in one smooth motion. Sharp violet eyes swept across the crowd that made his throat close when that gaze passed over his own.

A body pressed into him. Lona's face was shuttered, her head down, but he recognized the set in her jaw and grazed a hand across her back. "Not today," he asserted quietly, repeating himself more sharply when she sent him a glare.

"I don't work for you."

"I know damn well our orders were the same." A familiar figure flashed beside Alexis and he turned, eyes narrowed, "Who is that?"

Elizabeth had arrived, her long chestnut hair pulled back to trail down a green dress that, judging by the low cut of the chest, had been given to her by none other than Lona. And by her side, a man dressed in silks and gems just like the rest of the nobles. Standing far too close.

With a snort the spymaster answered, "Outside of my work with your little rebel group, dear James, I do still have my own network of contacts. Should things turn for the worst, think of him as your sister's personal bodyguard."

Across the room, Elizabeth caught Alexis' eyes and lifted her chin with a brush of a smile, her arm looped with her tanned escort, whose dark hair was combed neatly back. Alexis rolled his eyes, "Could you have chosen someone a little less handsome? She'll ask for him again."

Lona's retort was cut short as the announcer's voice echoed through the room once more, this time down at the dais next to the queen and princess. It was all Alexis could do not to step back and away as the Queen moved forward and began to speak. Her voice, unlike what he had imagined in his nightmares, was unnervingly pleasant and strong. Despite the age beginning to collect in wrinkles on her skin, Regina Lumina, Queen Vita Shawe, stood tall under her crown of gold.

He wanted to splatter that crown red.

The queen spoke about her gratitude and moved on to new policies being established around villages as well as other propaganda disguised as political manure Alexis couldn't be bothered to listen to.

Half-way through the grueling speech, Lona pulled his attention to a man standing off to the side behind the queen by a soft nudge of her shoulder. One look and Alexis immediately noted the difference in the man's uniform compared to the rest of the servants.

Rather than gray and teal finery, dark leathers clung to the length of his body. Despite having been well concealed, his trained eyes still noted the various weapons and daggers hidden throughout the man's attire. This was no normal guard.

Ever seen him before? Alexis sent the thought to Lona.

She may not have magic to respond with, but the subtle shake of her head was enough of an answer.

Whoever he was, the man looked highly trained. Alexis felt all the more exposed without his usual assortment of weapons. A cub in a den of lions.

"The serving boy said no one knows who he is but that he and one other passenger docked just last week," Lona murmured into his ear.

"'Docked?'" He inquired with alarm- the queen hadn't allowed foreign visitors in hundreds of years. What was so special about this man?

The spymaster nodded, eyes forward. "That's all I've got so far."

Queen Vita finished her speech and stepped back for the princess to which Alexis was sure would be just as riveting. He watched as the queen's pale hand grasped at the princess' elbow and she paused for a moment to listen before nodding and stepping forward, her face tight. Nerves?

Princess Maizie Shawe was formally introduced and- to Alexis' surprise- the princess only thanked the crowd for coming before taking her place back beside the queen. Moments later the orchestra began their serenade and nobles flooded the tables of food or swayed across the marble floor.

Lona took a long drink from her cup, her dark eyes scanning the room. Meanwhile Alexis watched as the princess meandered down the dais and into a group of doting nobles ready to fall at her feet. So devoted, they were, to a title.

"That's not the look of a charmer," Lona muttered behind her now empty cup. Clearing his expression, Alexis sighed and finished off his own drink and forced a smile. "That's better. Everyone's in place. You have until the moon's peak to woo our lady and get out of this flock fest." With that she sashayed into the crowd. Lona looked back only once before she disappeared, knowing he watched her all the way.

A breath's pause and Alexis rolled his shoulders before moving towards his target, taking time to observe her mannerisms, her responses. The nobles crowded around their princess incessantly and, as much of an attempt that she was making to keep up, she was a sheep with a pack of wolves.

She already looked as if she were about to run. Alexis laughed under his breath. Brushed a hand through his wavy brown hair, unbuttoned the top of his tunic, and pushed through the crowd.

This wasn't going to take long. 


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