New Start

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I watch as a white and orange ship enters the atmosphere and starts to decend towards my location. I have never been off planet before this because my brother and I had all of our missions on planet. I was a little nervous but the determination in my mind offset my fears.

As the ship landed I started walking towards it with my bag slung over my shoulder. As I reached it, the hatch opened and a woman stepped out. She was, smiling. I narrow my eyes at her as she walks up to me. "Hello!" she says cheerfully. "You must be Y/N!"

"Yes," I say slowly. "I am Y/N."

"Great! Now if you will follow me aboard the ship I can start to explain all you need to know about yhe Apex Games and what you will be doing," she says motioning me to follow her. I follow her up the ramp into the ship as the hatch closes and it starts to take off. "Now then, first things first do you know anything about the Apex Games?" she asks.

I shake my head no. I never had a TV even after my brother and I started getting paid. We saw no point. We were always busy with missions. "Sorry. I do not."

"Oh, well what a shame. Well the Apex Games are a bloodsport game were legends, like yourself, fight for prize money once a week. About 24,000 units a week at the least depending on how well you did," the lady explains. "You don't actually die when you fight though, when you are put in the system you will be able to stay alive even if you die in game. The pain is real though, you will be in a team of at most three, with you and two other legends."

"What are legends you might be wondering. Legends are all the different people with different abilities. You have defensive, recon, support, and attacking legends. It all depends on their play style and abilities. Each legend has a passive, tactical, and ultimate ability. Passive is a small ability that helps you at all times. Tactical abilities are ones you have to wait on a little bit but can help you out a tone. Ultimate abilities take a while to charge up after each use and can help you and your teammates," she continues.

"Now as for the fighting. There are many different areas per map that have supplies such as guns, shields, ammo, and health items. There are many different kinds of guns from snipers, marksman, assault, submachineguns, bows, and a few others. Shields are things that go around you like body armor that help when you are being shot at. There are level one shields that give two armor and are grey, level two sheilds that give three and are blue, level three that give four and are purple, and level four that give five and are red. With enough damage you can upgrade your shields or you can find all but the level four shields in drops, in supply chests or on the ground. You can also loot someone's death box which I will get to in a moment. One sheild that is harder to find on the ground and in supply crates are gold level four shields. They replenish more heath and sheild per medical and sheild cell but they only have four body armor."

"Now for death boxes. When you 'die' during the games you are sent back to the drop ship and leave all your stuff in a box at where you died. You will stay in the drop ship until u are respawned or until the game is over. You will have a banner on your person so when u die your teammates can revive you back into the game but it is timed once time runs out you are stuck in the ship until the game is over. When you take to much damage as long as a teammate is alive you can get revived once you get knocked down. If you get knocked down and your other teammates die you will be eliminated and return to the dropship," the lady finishes. "Got all that?"

"Hm, yeah sounds, interesting," I say taking in all the information I just heard. "When do I meet these other legends?" I ask.

"Soon after we land which should be in thirty minutes. You will have an apartment room the size of a penthouse that you will be staying in from now on. Once you are incorporated into the system you can do however you please. The syndicit will protect you from any outside threats when not in the arena," the lady says cheerfully. "Is there anything else you would like to know? If so please ask away."

"No I think I'm good. Thank you for the explanation." We sit in silence for ten minutes then I slowly start to fall asleep. My mind racing with all the knowledge I now know.

When the ship lands the lady escorts me to the apartment I will be staying at. We open the door and my jaw drops. It's beautiful, and so spacious. "Once you start getting paid you will be able to buy and fill it with whatever you like but for right now you have your basic couch, TV, sink and stove, basic bathroom and bedroom," the lady explains as I put my bag into my room. "Now come. The other legends are waiting for your arrival," she says as she walks our. I chase after her and we walk out of the apartment to the big building not far from where I now live.

"This is the Apex headquarters. Here is where the syndicit meet and hold meetings about the games and where you and your fellow legends can hang out and train," she says as we enter the building. We walk down a passage and stop at a door that says 'Lounge'. "Here you will meet your fellow legends. I will be on my way if you need you may contact me and I will help with whatever I can. Goodbye Y/N." she says as she turns and walks back down where we came.

I turn back and face the door. I head mumbles of many voices at about 18. "Well. It's now or never," I mutter to myself and reach for the door handle.

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