New day

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I wake up around the same time as yesterday, before dawn, so I get up as normal and start my day. I take a shower, get dressed, and go out for a run. Just like yesterday I went through the park to the Cafe for breakfast.

As I arrive at the Cafe I see a figure leaning on the wall beside the door, they were looking down at their phone but as I approach they look up, it's Silva.

"Buenas dias chica, I was starting to wonder when you'd get here," Silva says putting his phone in his hoodie pocket and pulls his hood down showing his green and brown hair. "Let's get some breakfast."

Silva opens the door to the Cafe and I walk through and thank him. We walk into the Cafe and walk up to the same lady as yesterday. "Goodmorning what can I get for you today?"

"I will have an iced carmel mocchiato," I say and handing her the same 25 units as yesterday.

"And what for you sir?" She asks turning to Silva.

"I'll have the black hot coffee with two orders of pancakes and bacon por favor," Silva orders.

"That will be 120 units," she says as Silva hands her the money. "Thank you and your orders will be up soon."

"Two orders of pancakes and bacon?" I ask Silva as we wait in line.

"I figured your hungry. So sí, I ordered bacon and pancakes," he shrugs.

"But you don't need to pay for it. If I was hungry I would of gotten something other than coffee," I say lightly punching him in the arm.

Silva grabs my chin with his pointer finger and thumb and lifts head so I meet his green eyes. "Are you or aren't you hungry hermosa?" he asks with a small bit of annoyance in his voice.

"Ugh, yes I am a bit hungry," I say and he let's go of my chin. I give him a scornful look and he reciprocates then cracks a smile making me smile back at him.

Silva and I wait about 10 minutes then both our orders come out, we take our food and leave. We go and sit at the park across from the Cafe and eat. After a few minutes of silence Silva asks, "So why did you join the games?"

"To find information about who caused my brother's death," I say taking a bite of my pancake.

"Your brother's death?" Silva echos. "What happened? If I may ask, you don't have to tell me if it's ro hard for you," he says curiously.

"He was killed while we were working. We were assasins on our planet. Our planet was in very bad shape on the edge of the Outlands. We were in a rebellion that was trying to get rid of the people who were killing the planet," I explain. "Our last mission a few days ago was to kill one of the leaders that wasn't in hiding, we did kill him but then he was shot by a sniper and the building blew up. I swore then that I'd find who did it, then this person came up to me and handed me an Apex card so I joined."

Silva stares at me in shock then hugged me out of no where. I hesitated then hug back burrowing my face into his shoulder letting a few silent tears leave my eyes. "If you need any help hermosa, I'm here ok chica?" he says after a while pulling away, his eyes full of sorrow.

"Thank you Silva, I'll let you know of I need anything," I say with a smile. Silva then goes on to talk about why he joined the games. He joined because he was always a dare devil. His parents neglected him when he was younger, always to busy with his father's family business. His father founded the Stem that was used in the Taitan wars in the Frontier and was a billionaire.

Silva being the ADHD kid he wanted his parents attention and his father's approval. Silva started doing stunts of all kinds and somehow along the way got addicted to the drug his father made. He also blew off his legs at one point and Ajay, who is a childhood best friend, was able to get him the bionic ones he has now.

His father dissowed Silva cutting him out of the family business sending Silva into a spiral. He started doing more stunts but instead for his parents attention, he did it for the fans. Eventually finding the Apex Games he joined for the fans, money, and rush from the adrenaline of battlefield combat.

"Wait, go back. How did you blow off your legs again?" I ask when Silva finally ended.

"I was trying to do a stunt. I had used a grenade to blow myself forward to gain speed. I have the world record now, but no legs," he laughs. I look at him scornfully, he stops laughing and says, "Don't worry that's the same look Ajay gave me when I asked her to give me bionic legs."

"Well I'm glad Ajay atleast has some common sense," I say ruefully then start to laugh.

Silva laughs then looks at his phone, "Damn chica it's already 9. How about we run back, get changed and train some?" he asks standing up holding out his hand.

"Oh sure, let's go," I take his hand and we throw our trash away and run back to our apartment. Silva has a fast pace but I can keep up if I try and I do.

When we get to the apartment we split up, I go to my apartment, take a shower, and change as does Silva. After about 20 minutes we meet back up infront of the apartment and go to the training area I was at yesterday with Renee and Elliot.

As we got there we see that Bloodhound and Crypto was there. Crypto came up to me and pulled me aside as Silva gives him another scornful look as he goes over and talks to Bloodhound.

"What's up?" I ask Crypto.

"I found something on your brother's killers. I was right it was the rebellion you were in. The person who called the shot to take you both out is here to, in the syndicit. But we can't confront her, she is of high importance here and to confront her now would put you, me and anyone who may help you in danger," Crypto explains hushly. "I also know we're your abilities came from, you did not always have them."

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