Water, food and you

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Uma P.O.V.

It was a warm day on the Isle of the Lost, warm for the Isle but here the weather is different. I carefully stood up. My body hurts. I had to work really hard yesterday. My mom had wanted me to work the whole week every minute. Thankfully Harry helped me, so I could sleep a little bit, after the shop closed. I don't know why he does it but I am happy about it. But nevertheless my body hurts from working and not eating and drinking so much. Harry was concerned that i was eating not enough. Luckily this week i don't have to work so much. I put on clothes and go to the water. I decided, i think a month ago, that i need some hobby and so i go to the sea and swim a little bit as much as i can. In the morning most of the people aren't outside so i have time for myself. I made myself something to swim with from old clothes from Auradon. Because you have to keep your things locked up, i put them in my captain's cabin and then go with just something to swim on. I lay my clothes on my bed and take my bracelets of and lock them up in a box, Harry gave me to put my favourite things in it. My favourite bracelet is one with white pearls and one bigger red pearl. Harry and i exchanged one pearl. He has one from me and i have one from his. When i had put all my things in my cabin i went to the sea. We don't have much water to swim in because of this god dam barrier, but it is better than nothing. I walk to a part where no crocodiles are. The children and grandchildren of Tick-Tock are in some places. I go into the water. It's cold just right for my hurted body.

Third Person P.O.V.

Uma walks in the water and starts to swim. She doesn't notice that someone is watching her, like every other day. This someone is wondering how she can be so beautiful. Unfortunately this person is tripping on a wooden stock and it breaks. Uma, who had the head over the water for a moment, turns around and asks „Who is there? Come out there"

Uma P.O.V.

I hope I sound confidently. The bush is moving and someone is coming out from behind of it. I recognize him. It is Harry. „What are you doing here and why where you hiding?"I ask angry and confused. He is coming closer and I see that his face is a little bit red. „I...I was looking for you. I was worried and I wanted to look if you are feeling better", he said a little bit insecure what surprised me because usually he is very confident and says what he thinks and doesn't care about someone's opinion. „Then why were you hiding?", I say while coming out of the water. It is cold although it is warm. Harry notices that and offers me his jacket. „I did not want to disturb you. You were so happy and calm and you need this and i would have ruined it. And do you take my Jacket now or do you want to freeze?", He says with one of his little smiles. „Yes I take it as long as you are not freezing then"„I won't, I was not in the water". I nod and he puts his jacket over my shoulders. It is warm. „Thanks for not disturbing me but hiding and kinda stalking me is the worst way", I say with a laugh.

Harry P.O.V.

Umas laugh is the best sound ever. I love it. „And you wouldn't have ruined it", she says. The words make my heart jump and I smile at her. „Do you want to go back to the ship or do you want to go swim again?"I ask her. „I am already out of the water, so lets go back to the ship", she answers. I nod and we go back to the ship. „Is anyone else on the ship?"„No, I don't think so. On my may I did not see anyone, neither on the ship nor anywhere else", I answer. „Ok. Most likely because it is very early", she says. We reach the ship and go to the captains cabin.

Uma P.O.V.

„Do you want to come in?", I ask him. He just nods and smiles. I don't know why but I think it has a reason. I open the door and on my bed is food on a plate and something to drink. I turn around, because it must have been him who put it there, because no one else goes in my cabin. He smiles and says: „I already said I was worried that you don't eat enough" I look at him and in his beautiful blue eyes is a shine that is only there when he is really happy. It is like every problem just disappears for a moment.

Harry P.O.V.

I look into her pretty brown eyes. She looks happy and it is like the time stops and nothing matters except us.

Both P.O.V.

I wish this moment could last forever. Just us. But I know it can't.

Uma P.O.V.

"I have to change my outfit", I say and regret it because I have to turn away from him. "But thanks. I will eat it after I changed". "Ok" he says. I take my clothes from the bed, look at the food and smile. Harry always takes care of me. I go to the bathroom. I take Harry's Jacket of. I would like to always wear it. It smells like him, it is warm and I feel safe. I put my swim clothes on the edge of the bathtub and start getting dressed. When I was done I went out with his Jacket over my arm. Harry sits on the edge of the bed next to the food. I put his jacket on the chair. I go to the other side of the bed and sit down. Harry really tried to make something good. He made two Sandwiches and a bottle with something to drink, that he probably stole from my Mom's shop. I take a sandwich and it tastes good. "Is it okay?", Harry asks. I nod. He smiles. "Do you want something too?" "I already ate" After I ate it, I drink something, take the plate from the bed and then I turn to Harry: "Why do you do all of this? Why do you care about me?"

Harry P.O.V.

I feel my face becoming red. I turn away. I have been hiding my feelings for long but I don't want to lie to her, even if it means being rejected by her if she doesn't feel the same. "Look at me. Please. You know you can trust me and you can tell me everything", she say and her voice sounds sad. Her being sad is the last thing I want, so I turn around. I take a deep breath.

Uma P.O.V.

I look at him. His face is almost as red as his jacket. I am sad, because it seems like he doesn't want to tell me. We always tell each other everything. It hurts more than everything that happened this week. "I do this because I want you to be safe and happy and have everything you want. I don't want you to suffer from exertion. I don't want to lose you", He says. I feel my heart beating really fast. I can feel that I am close to crying but I don't want to. I usually never cry. But Harry is my weakness. "I don't want to lose you too", I say. "And I...I love you", He says stuttering and very insecure. Now I have lost. I have tears in my eyes, because this is what I always wanted. "Harry, I love you too", I say while tears run down my face. He smiles. "But why are you crying?", he asks concerned. "Because you made me have everything I always wanted".

Harry P.O.V.

If I would have known that what she wanted would be this I would have told her earlier.

Uma P.O.V.

He comes close, takes my face in his face and wipes my tears away. The world stopped when his lips touched mine. His eyes are closed and I close mine too. After a few moments we separate and directly I hate to not be connected with him. His looks tells me that he feels the same. "Do you want to go into the water with me tomorrow?", I ask. "I would love to", he says smiling.

Both P.O.V.

His/Her eyes are shining more than ever before.

Finally a next Oneshot. It is really long. I didn't want it to be so long but then I had idea after idea. Please tell me your opinion. I also uploaded a neew chapter of my other story. Please vote and if you want me to make a oneshot of a couple or if you have an idea of your own oneshot but don't really know how to write it, please write me. This is not based on a picture, it was an idea i had a few weeks ago. Tell me what you think of the title(I am not good with thinking of a title).

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