Chapter Three

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        I was sweaty and exhausted by the time I picked up the girls at one o'clock at school. There was nothing I would've loved more than to cranck up some AC/DC, go straight home, and take a nap, but the girls where full of energy and told me all about their first day. 

        Apparently Harley and Avery were greeted with open arms by the kids, despite the school year being over half way over. Harley played a puzzle game with a girl named Katie, and Avery played a king-of-the-hill type of wrestling game with the boys in the class. 

        Again, their drastic differences astonishes me. 

        "How was your day, Mommy? Did you make any friends?" Avery asked me when she finished telling me about how she sat on a boy named Jacob's stomach until he gave up. 

        "I had a very good day sweetie." I told her, glancing in the rear view mirror to see her looking at me, big blue eyes eager. 

        "I work with four people, Amy, Mary, Ben, and Meg. I think you would like Meg, Avery. She has lots of energy, just like you." She giggled. 

        "Will we get to meet them?" Harley asked. 

        "Hopefully, Babydoll." I said, smiling. This is a good first day.

        We got home and went up to our apartment on the fourth floor and I made the girls and myself a snack. It was only two-o'clock but I was starving. 

        All three of us enjoyed the sliced apples and celery with peanut butter and watched a little bit of TV before I started unpacking more stuff in the kitchen. I was almost halfway done when the heavy sound of base music started up again above us. 

        I sighed and rubbed my temples. I had really hoped they weren't going to have anymore parties. 

        "What's that noise, Mamma?" Harley asked, looking up from her crayon artwork.

        I walked out of the kitchen so I could get my shoes on. "It's our neighbors, sweetie. They're having a party." I told her. 

        Avery popped out of her room."Oh! Is it someone's birthday? Are you going to wish them a happy birthday?" She asked, looking curiously at me while I slipped on my ballet flats.

        "No Avery I don't think it's their birthday, but I am going to go talk to them for a minute." I stood. "I'll be right back okay, girls? Don't open the door for anyone and don't leave the house, promise?"

        Both of them nodded at me. "Alright I won't be more than a couple of minutes. Love you both."

        "Love you too." They said. 

        I picked up my keys and left, locking the door behind me. 

        It only took a few seconds to get to the second floor and reach the apartment above us. I knocked on the door hard, to make sure they heard me over the base. 

        The door swung open and a guy maybe a couple years younger than me stood there with a red Solo cup in hand. He looked me up and down and leaned against the door jam. 

        "Why, hello there." He said, trying to sound as sensual as possible while still being heard over the music. 

        I rolled my eyes. This is ridiculous. "Yeah, hi." I said, having to yell to be heard. "I just moved into the apartment below you, and I was wondering if you could turn down the music?"

        "Wait you're not here for the party?" 


       The boy sighed. "Oh, um. This isn't my place, so if you want to come in I'll go get the guys that live here."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2015 ⏰

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