Saving Symphony

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Symphony's Pov

" SYMPHONY GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW" My mum yelled. My mum's name is Jay, yes that means I'm Louis's sister, except one problem I'm unwanted in this family. When Louis went on the X-factor, and Lottie, Charlotte, Phoebe, and Feclity. They left me home and took the girl's to see their brother i'm the third eldest of the family. I got downstairs and walked to the living room.  Where everyone is seated.

"Louis, is bringing the boys over so you need to move your stuff to the shed and  set up as a guest room." mother said not even looking at me.

"Why?" I asked. Big mistake i ever made, i got slapped across the face, and i felt like my cheek was on fire.

"Because we said so!!" Mum yelled and i ran away up to my room and stuffed what few clothes i had into a suitcase, and the clothes aren't new there passed on from my sisters.

" The boys well be here in 10 minutes, you better get moving." Lottie said through the door. i grabbed my suitcase and walked out of the room and out the back door to the shed. once i got settled in i walked back up to the house were loud screams and voices were coming from.

"LOU!!" Fecility yelled I decided it's not worth it. I can just stay at Colliop's house, That idea slipped my mind when i heard Lou calling me.

"Symphony!" Lou screamed coming outside. I turned around and smiled, Lou crashed me into a bear hug. 

"I missed  Sym bear!!" Lou said, i couldn't really say anything because i was afraid of him, not like fear that he would hurt me but like I get scared he might call me worthless like the rest of my family. I Built up some confidence.

" Lou, i missed you to, but I'm going to-" I was  cut of by mum, Lou knew what happened he left but he just never really thought to believe me..Sad i know but oh, well that's life.

"Lou dinner is ready!" Mum said and saw me and gave me a death glare i let go of Lou and walked/ran away to the shed and pulled out my crappy flip phone and called Calliope.

         The Question that scares me is, can i get away without being noticed....

Saving Symphony {REWRITING}Where stories live. Discover now