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"What is going on with you?" Liam's voice startles me and I sit up onto the couch that I was lying down on. He is hovering. I don't like it.

Ever since I heard Michael's story, I have been stressed out about everything. From worrying about my mom to thinking about everything that happened to those young girls, everything that Erica might be going through right now, the only thing I've been doing to distract myself these past two days is spending all my time watching TV.

There hasn't been much going on at the hospital so work isn't enough to distract me either. Liam has been busy trying to figure out a way to deal with the whole situation. Between training and working, he rarely has time for anything else.

"I'm just not having a very good day," I mumble, fighting the urge to roll my eyes and turn them back to the TV.

"You didn't have a very good day yesterday, either," he sits down next to me and I can feel his eyes on the side of my head. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I sigh heavily. "I don't know."

He keeps staring and I know he isn't going to let this go without getting a proper explanation.

"I'm just worried, I guess," I finally state, still not looking at him.

"I told you, April. There is nothing to worry about. I've got it under control."

"No, not you. My Mom," I lean back into the couch while I stare at my hands.

"She's fine, baby," Liam holds my face in both his hands, forcing me to look at him. "I sent a couple of men to keep an eye out for any trouble. They will stay there until this situation is resolved. You don't have to worry. She's safe. I promise."

His usual, bright grey eyes look tired and I can see the worry on his face. In my wallowing, I really haven't paid much attention to everything that has been going on with him. I know he's busy but I forgot to realise he might be worried too. About me. About his pack.

"I know. I know," I take a deep breath. "Maybe, I just miss her," I shrug.

He pulls me into his chest as his fingers brush through my hair. His overwhelming scent instantly begins to calm me down as I breathe him in. After a few seconds, he slowly moves back, his eyes landing on me, once again.

"I know I said you can't go to the conference. But the Blood Moon Pack is only an hour away from your mom's house. Why don't you come along and we can stay there for a couple of days?"

"Really?" His words make me jump back in excitement.

"Yeah. I'll have to leave for a day to attend the conference but you can spend some time with your mom," he shrugs and gives me a smile.

"That's a great idea. She has been going on and on about wanting to meet you," I exclaim.

"Well, then it's settled. The conference is over the weekend so we can leave in a couple of days. Meanwhile, you are going training with me tomorrow. I don't like you being all by yourself all day," he says with a little frown.

"Okay," I agree. "I love you," I add softly as I kiss him on the lips.

"I love you too."


Training is exhausting. When Liam left me with one of the female warriors, Katy, I expected to learn some moves like theirs and kick some werewolf ass. Instead, she had me run around the woods for an hour. Running is Jade's forte. I am not a fan.

After I was completely spent from the run, Katy decided to have a few rounds of sparring with me. Needless to say, I am not doing so great.

"You're gonna have to do better than that, Luna," she smirks as she looks down at me on the floor. I grab her hand extended towards me and she helps me up.

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