chapter four

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before I start I just wanted to give a round of applause for her hair👏👏👏👏

nobody's pov/ third person pov
       Hope was laying in her bed that night not being able to sleep. She was a little confused why, but she knew it had something to do with the way she felt earlier when Josie touched her hand. Josie on the other hand knew why she couldn't sleep she was thinking about Hope tossing and turning when Lizzie finally spoke up and said "What's bothering you Jo, your tossing and turning is very obviously saying something is." Josie sits up and looks down for a second then looks back up and says "Nothing." Lizzie gets up to sit next to Josie and says "Clearly something is now just tell me." They sit there for a minute before Lizzie gasps loudly and says "Omg is it about a person?!" kinda loudly. Josie looks up and tries to deny but Lizzie seen her cheeks they were red as a tomato. "Please don't tell anyone." Josie says playing with her blanket. "I won't but I need to know who it is." Lizzie says very excitedly. "Fine don't tell me I'll just guess, is it fire chicken, Jade I know you had a "thing" with her, Penelope..." Lizzie says trailing of not thinking of anyone else. Josie sits there nodding no to all of them but getting nervous because the only person Lizzie would say else is who she's gonna guess next. "Omg Josette Olivia Saltzman is it the all mighty tribid again?!" Lizzie says whisper screaming. Josie shakes her head no fast but that doesn't make Lizzie believe her.

Lizzies pov
       My sister has a crush on Hope again wow. "So I pinky promise not to tell but we have to find out if she likes you." I say confidently. "She doesn't and why are you so okay with this?" My wonderful sister says questioning me. "Well you both have liked each other before so it one wouldn't be a suprise and two I can make fun of tiny little hope more if I'm her sister in law." I say as Josie crosses her arms jokingly irritated at me.

hopes pov
       I toss and turn my thinking about how I felt when Josie comforted me. I turn around to check the clock "1:24" it says in neon red. I sit there contemplating my feelings. One thing I knew for sure is that I had to hang out with Josie again to see how my feelings are. I grab my phone to text her but then realize that's it's 1 in the morning but decide to be bold.
Hope: hey tomorrow after all your classes want to hang out?
       I say not expecting an answer because it is the middle of the night. I set my phone down for a second then hear a ding.
Josie: yes sure where do you want to meet?
Hope: my room?
Josie: see you then
       I didn't think she'd respond and realize I could've did this tomorrow in the class we have together but ignore the thought. I plug my headphones in and put them in to drown out my thoughts. I slowly drift asleep in a few minutes.

josies pov
       I hear a ding to see a text from Hope I look up at Lizzie who's annoyed it interrupted our conversation. I point the phone at her to show her what the text had said. "OMG SISTER SHE ASKED TO HANG OUT AT 1:30 IN THE MORNING SHE DEFINITELY LIKES YOU." Lizzie whisper shouts again. I reply back and put my phone back on my dresser. I look over at Lizzie who is mischievously smiling. "My sister won't be a single pringle anymore." I slightly smile at her joke but also because I'm excited. Me and Lizzie continue to talk a little until I do get tired and fall asleep with Lizzie in my bed.
                        ~next day (morning)~
hopes pov
       I wake up to my alarm going off and hit stop. I slowly roll out of bed to get ready and go get breakfast. I remembered what I had did last night as I was brushing my teeth and suddenly the "nervousness" arose again. I pick out my outfit put it on then head out the door. Part of me was hoping I'd see Josie I didn't and ate my food and when to my first period. I zoned out half the time thinking about when me and Josie were painting yesterday. Every once in a while I felt and seen her stare at me I think she tried to play it off by looking at my painting, it was a good idea until I really start thinking. Every once in a while I would look at her painting then her then back at my painting not realizing I was doing it. I try to focus on my work but it was hard when I kept thinking about Josie and my "nervousness". The bell breaks me out my day dream as I realize I did not pay attention at all. I go to my next class, with Josie. I go to my seat and see her walk in after me. She waved and smiles and I do the same back and go back to facing forward as the teacher eyes me. I had done the same thing I had done last class but instead of the bell breaking my day dream it was Josie who had walked up to me and said we were aloud to leave early. I think she had noticed I wasn't paying attention so she had to come get me. I start to get up and walk with her to lunch. "So what we're you doing up at 1 am?" I hear her say jokingly. I give her a quick look and say "I could ask you the same thing." She laughs at says "Couldn't sleep you?" I look at my feet then back up at her and say "Same."
        "Wanna sit with us, as in me and Lizzie?" Josie says as we walk into the cafeteria. I gladly accept. When we sit Lizzie is rambling about some boy, while I zone out with the occasional look at Josie. Lizzie had noticed and said "Why do the both of you keep staring at each other and not listening to me?" I don't answer but I look up to see Josie looking at me slightly. The nervousness came and became worse when I process Lizzie said the both of us. That means Josie had to be staring as well.
       Lunch continued as Lizzie went on and the bell then rang and we walked to our next class. The rest of the day goes by fast so when the last bell rang I rushed to my room to try to think of something to do when Josie came. I then heard a knock at my door.

AN: sorry it's mostly in Hopes pov but the way I wanted it to play out it had to. Please let me know if you like it so far!

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