🌿 ;; What I want...

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The taller had come up behind him, scooping him up by the waist. "So much for being able to get it, huh?" He purred teasingly, making Herb roll his eyes. He finally reached to grab the tea leaves that were now in reach, only to let out a noise of confusion as Sparkling suddenly lowered him slightly, and shut the cupboard door. "Though.. I think I want something other than tea, now." He leaned slightly to kiss Herb's cheek, causing the recipient to give a small laugh. "Oh, really?" He asked, turning slightly to meet Sparkling's gaze. "And what's that?" Sparkling set Herb down on the counter, and pulled him close. Herb squeaked as he felt Sparkling press his crotch to Herb's in doing so, and blush filled his face.


That one word that left Sparkling's mouth made Herb shudder, and he gulped down the hard lump that suddenly appeared in his throat. "U-uh, can't you wait until we g-get home?" He stuttered out, fiddling with the collar of his shirt. Sparkling gave a small chuckle. Cute. "Nah.. I don't care. Nor do I wanna wait.. I've been so damn stressed all day, and taking you always makes me feel better..~" His voice was dropped to a near-whisper, and he leaned in to start attacking Herb's neck with kisses and licks, coaxing a surprised gasp and whimper out of the recipient. "B-but--!" Herb could barely form words without moaning again. His neck was so sensitive. "B-but someone.. someone could--" "Pass by and see?" Sparkling asked with a smirk, cutting his anxious boyfriend off. Herb immediately spoke again, giving a serious look, which faltered with embarrassment halfway. "Yes! Exactly! I- I don't want someone to s-see us.. h-having sex.."

Another sly chuckle from Sparkling, and he stepped back, walking over to the large windows on the front of the café. Herb cocked a brow in confusion, only for his blush to worsen when he saw Sparkling closing the blinds. That slick son of a.. "How about that?" He cooed, smirking as he closed the second window's blinds. "No one can see inside now.~" Herb stammered as he tried to think of a way to make his boyfriend reconsider this.. lewd, not to mention risky decision. "W-w-well someone could s-still HEAR us!!" He blurted out, slightly shrinking in on himself as Sparkling walked back up to him. The taller leaned in again, giving a seductive smile. "Guess you'll need to be quiet then, hm?~"

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