Chapter 7

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Salus Infidelium

The trees danced in the wind, his hand was on hers, as smoke started to rise from dug-out holes, as mask wearing doctors, in black robes, as they carted away more bodies to more holes to be burned, the people dubbed them "Death", in another time, this would have been atrocious, but now, with a war plaguing the biggest nation of the continent, and the black death ravaging europe, people would say the gates of hell, and the time of ending has come.

"Why are you staying?" he asked.

"Why?" she pondered for a little before finding the right words

"hmm, someone has to make sure you don't get the plague." She says

"Am I that irresponsible to you?" He jokingly questioned

"Yes." Venelana replied with a deadpan voice.

"Jeez, at least believe in me a little, Venelana." he scratched his head,

"You know what happened the last time I believed in you?" She huffed,

"I almost burned a farm down with nothing but water." He remembered the colorful event,

"Exactly." She remarked

he let out a small laugh,

she looked at him, smiling.

"You're never going to let that go, are you?" He asked, He already knew it deep inside, she was going to remind him every single day and it would be annoying but he wouldn't have it any other way

"Hey, I vouched for you after." She remarked

"Vouched? You just told them the truth." He huffed

He looked into her eyes, smiling.

he placed his hand on her cheek,

"You are barbaric, Ven."

"I hate you." she said as leaned closer and connected her lips with his.

It was a dark time, The devil wanted to see it through, with him, he... he was just supposed to be a minor distraction, a simple way to pass the time while learning about the humans, and he truly was quite the specimen, he thinks differently, acts differently, heavens, he even talks slightly differently from the other humans, it was like he wasn't human himself, which was completely disproven with multiple different tests that ended in Artorias being bed-ridden for a week.

Their attention was directed else where, the cracking of whips and the shouting of litanies, walked down the road doing it as a form of punishment to please God, or so they think.

"When will they understand that God hates it when humanity hurts themselves." Artorias whispered to himself, Her human lover was a weird one at that but it was just one of the few things that made him interesting.

"Art, I have a confession to make."

"What is it Ven, are you getting married?" He joked

"My last name's not Portia, it never was"
She paused, she looked away from him
"It's Bael, My real name is Venelana Bael."

"Bael? That's-" He realized, the both of them studied a bit of demonology, Venelana was a bit surprised that humans were aware of the noble houses of hell, she always wondered who gave them their names.

"Yes, I-I am sorry for lying to-" She looked away expecting a slap to the face, a scream... Anything.

But instead a deep warmth enveloped her she looked to him, she was in his embrace, her tears rolled down her cheek.

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