Finding Love

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Chapter 1

Ever since we were little, my best friend, Jayde, knew who she was going to marry. He was always right there with us. It was always, Jayde, him, and me. I was the third wheel in that party ever since that day in first grade when Jayde spilt her chocolate all over me and I flipped out, pouring my apple juice all over her. She was invited over my house that very week for a play date, and we had always been inseparable since.

And that's where my twin brother, Jayden, came in. They were in love since they had first meet in the first grade. It was impossible to deny, and our mothers became obsessed with them being together when they were older. They both went through their various stages, announcing their love for each other in the awkward teenage years.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't among the popular crowd in high school. I was, after all, best friends with thee Jayde Hart, and twin sister of thee Jayden O'Hara. We had many friends, and were invited to all of the parties. Jayden was way into sports, mostly football and lacrosse, while Jayde loved art and singing. I, however, partied enough for all three of us, had an extremely short temper, skipped class whenever I felt like it, and was a regular in detention. While Jayde was loved by teachers, I was hated for causing distractions in class, and while Jayde was loved by all, I was liked by some, hated by many, and all around respected and slightly feared for my straight-forward personality. Jayden was my identical twin, in more ways than just our appearance, but he got away with more because he was the star jock and his charming personality.

Jayde was a master at juggling being my best friend, Jayden's girlfriend, and the perfect child for her parents. I felt kind of bad for her at times, because it was hard enough being my best friend. I freely admitted that I was a bit high-maintenance and everybody knew it.

"Miss O'Hara, can you please tell me what number three is?" Miss Hench, the new, young teacher of my World History class, and the teacher I got along with the least, asked. I looked down at my blank paper. "Uh...what number?" I asked. "Three." She asked smoothly. "What did you say? I can't understand you..."

"Three, Miss O'Hara."

The class snickered. "Five?" I asked, faking curiosity. She narrowed her eyes. "Miss O'Hara, number thre―" She stopped mid-sentence, seeing my wide smirk. She cleared her throat. "Mr. Smith, number three please." I grinned and sunk back into my seat. Jayden smirked from the seat in front of me, his black hair falling into his eyes. "Bitch," he mouthed. I grinned. Jayden and I were almost as close as Jayde and I were. He was my twin brother, after all.

We were identical, mostly. We both had the same light blue eyes, high cheek-bones, pouty, pale lips (mine were fuller than his), long dark eyelashes, and good eyebrows. Mine were way more dramatic than his, but that was because that's the way I wanted them. He was about 6'2'' and I stood a good 5'6'', both of us thin and fit, Jayden obviously way more built then I was. Our skin was pale,  tanned a little in the summer, and it was clear most of the time. I was a bit more rebellious then Jay, though, meaning I dyed my hair platinum blonde, and had my lip pierced, which had both made my mother cry. Jay and I had also gone to get tattoos illegally, making us get in trouble from both our parents and Jayde. I knew Jayde secretly loved his tattoo though, so it was no big deal, and it wasn't like mine was huge or anything.

                Jayde kept Jayden grounded, while I just went wild. It was her fault, mostly, anyway. No, it was probably my parents. Whatever, I didn't regret anything I ever did. Most of the time, anyway. The bell rang, saving me from my misery. Jayden waited for me at the door. "Miss O'Hara, I'd like to speak with you for a moment." Miss Hench said. Jayden and one of his best friends, Harry, raised their eyebrows at me. I looked from them, back to Miss Hench. "As tempting as that sounds, I'm going to have to pass. See ya later, girl." I grinned at her, waved, and walked out of the classroom into the ungodly crowded hallway.

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