The Book of Fairytales, Vol. 1

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There once was a fox underneath a flawless starry sky, they admired how the stars twinkled and shined as if they could hold a conversation. They wanted to always admire the sky but their home was a burrow, far from the heavens. Their nest was akin to a cozy home, full of trinkets and such.

The fox wanted a star for themselves, a small one perhaps that would fit in their hand. A perfect companion. They borrowed a net from a small deity by the sea, promising to treasure the little star.

And so they took the edges of the net and threw, finally capturing a twinkling starlight. The fox whispered words of assurance, that they would take care of the star but the starlight quivered and sobbed.

A small journey lead them to the fox's burrow, descending into their nest full of soft hay and the trinkets they hoard. The starlight wept and thought 'I will be nothing but another trinket!' while the fox laid them to rest.

"You are a special starlight, out of all in the sky I admire how your stardust glimmers and glows." Fox said adoringly, they meant it in comfort though the star never took it that way.

Days passed by and the star still wept, their luster slowly but surely dying. The fox has never been this happy despite constantly finding ways to make their starlight smile, they did not miss the starry sky as they were with the starlight. They knew that the starlight was slowly losing their glow, a fact that saddened them but the thought of being alone was ringing louder.

On a night that the fox has been too caught up in their head, they brought the starlight up to the surface. They gripped the net possessively, wanting to make sure that the starlight never left.

Both of them peered up into the sky longingly, the fox muttering, "I missed the sky." They froze as they finally heard the starlight speak.

"I miss the sky too, y'know." A soft voice made their breath hitch, the voice rang louder than the thought of loneliness.

And in an act of desperation and frustration they unwrapped the net from the starlight gently, not fully understanding the way their paws are moving.

It struck the starlight with suspicion though it was happy that it could go home.

The starlight did not turn back as they flew up to the sky.

Heartbreak and sorrow has always surrounded the fox, though not as much as there is now. They wept in grievance, but also in relief that the star has left. They knew they couldn't keep it, unless they wanted to watch it die.

The soil was filled with gems, falling from the eyes of the fox. Soon the fox was surrounded by shining gems. They created it, somehow. The fox was swallowed by guilt, they should have never been greedy.

They grabbed the gemstones and rushed to the sky, shouting apologies. The star looked down at the fox who was asking for forgiveness and was filled with a mix of emotions.

"I will never be to the earth again, for everything is your fault. Though I forgive you. You fill me with disgust."

The fox was fine with that, as long as the star forgave them. They could live without feeling this guilt.

It was never meant to be and the fox knew it.

The god scoffed at the story he read, fully seeing it as trash. "Everything here is romanticized, as if that fox would've ended it as that." He threw the book back to the chair as he stretched his body.

"A visit to that old fox might be a good idea too." Eyes full of mischief twinkled in delight.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2021 ⏰

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