How you met

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Jordan - There was a meet and greet you went to with the soul purpose of meeting Jordan. Sure you wanted to meet the others but mostly Jordan. You held your picture of him to sign close to you as you were next to see him. You walked up in front of him and you were speechless. "Hi" he said with that sweet smile. "Hi" you said trying to sound like a normal human being. "You would like me to sign this?" He said and held his hand out to take the picture. "Uh yeah, yes, please" you said handing him the picture. You looked at him with all the love you had in your little body. You loved Jordan more than any fan girl could ever. He made you feel some way. "Here you go" he said handing the picture back. He looked at you the same way you were looking at him. Eyes full of love. "Thank you so much" you said looking at the signature he has just wrote. You walk away but was soon stopped by Jordan. You look up at him confused. He gave me a small piece of paper. "I would love to get to know you. Will you call me?" he said flashing that same smile all you could focus on were the cute dimples on the slides of his face. "Uh yeah" you said looking down at the paper that had 10 digits on it and smiled. He quickly kissed your cheek and runs back to where he was sitting. You were getting stared down at by the other girl in the line. You looked back at Jordan and he gave you a wink. You felt butterflies explode in your stomach. You were definitely gonna call him.

Joey - Come on Y/n! Just come to the concert with me it will be fun! And you will love New Kids on the Block!" Your friend whined at you. "Yeah I love New Kids but I don't do well with crowds, you know this" you said back closing your book. "Come on! I will be there with you the whole time! I promise!!" She whined again. "Ok ok fine fine" you said getting up and going to your closet to pick out an outfit. "Yay! Thank you!" She said getting dressed herself. "Yeah yeah" I said and pulled out an outfit and went to the bathroom and changed.
We made our way to the arena where NKOTB were performing. We got to our front row seats as the concert started. When they all came out I saw him. My all time crush. Joey McIntyre. He has such an amazing voice and a handsome face. As they started performing Joey looked down at you and winked. You could have passed out. Your friend went to the bathroom which left you all alone in a big ass crowd. You don't do good with normal crowds so your anxiety isn't the best right now. People were trying to get closer to the boys practically squishing you. As one song ended Joey look down at you to see you freaking the fuck out. "Woah woah guys can you back up a bit you are squishing the people up front." Joey said through the microphone but no one listened. He took a risk of being attacked by a bunch of fan girls, and jumped down to help you out of the mess. He brought you back stage to help you with the panic attack you were having at the moment. "Hey hey it's ok. You are safe. I understand how claustrophobic it can get down there" he said with a sweet smile. "Thank you" you said trying to calm down.  After a little you were calmed down but your friend hasn't returned. "You wanna sit back here until you friend comes back?" Joey asked. "Sure" you said smiling at him. "Ok. Hey Jordan can you go get me a water?" He said and Jordan went to get a water. He came back and handed it to Joey. "Here, drink this, it will help" Joey said then handed it to you. "Thank you. It means a lot" you said. "Of course. Anything for the prettiest girl out there" he said and smirked. And the rest is history.

Danny - You walked into your classroom and the teacher said there was an assembly. So you all walked to the auditorium with all the other classes. The principal stood up in the stage and said there were some people here to talk to us about a music program. They drew the curtains back and stood there was New Kids on the Block. You almost cried. Everyone was freaking out. So they talked about the music program and Danny, the one you have been crushing on since the band started, kept staring at you, as if you were the only girl in the room. You smiled at him and he smiled back. After the assembly the principal said you wanted to be seen by the New Kids. You walked up to the stage and you were met with Danny. "Hi" he said smiling. "Hi" I said smiling back. "You know I couldn't keep my eyes off of you the whole time" he said with a smirk. "Really?" You said, as at the moment you were a nervous wreck. "Yeah. I mean, you're beautiful. Who would stare?" He said going to hold your hand. "Are you doing anything after school?" He said holding your hand. "Uh no no I'm not" you said blushing. "Wanna go get ice cream or something?" He asked. "Yeah that would be amazing" You said with the stupidest smile on your face. "Awesome. Here, call me, ok?" He said handing you a piece of paper. "Yeah totally" you said looking down at the paper with his number on it. " talk to you later then" he said and kissed your cheek and walked away.

Jonathan - you were at the carnival with your best friend and you had already blown 30 dollars on this one game trying to get this giant ass stuffed pig. You threw the dart and missed "son of a bitch" you yelled. Then a tall boy with brown hair came up behind you and offered to try to win you the pig. "Oh no it's ok" you said. "Please, let me" he said with a sweet smile. "Alright" you said and stepped aside. "If I win this for you, will you spend the rest of the night with me?" He asked sweetly. "I would do that even if you didn't win it" You smiled. He smiled back at you and got it on the first try. The worker handed him the pig then he handed it to you. "That was incredible" you said hugging your new stuffed animal. "Thanks" he said and grabbed your hand. The whole rest of the night you hung out and played games. You walked back to your car with this boy in hand. "Thank you" you said putting the stuffed animal in the back seat. "You know I never got your name" he said. "Y/n. And yours?" You said. "Jonathan" he said smiling at you. Over the past couple hours of being with him it like you fell in love.

Donnie - you were walking the streets of New York when you heard a concert going on in the park and you decide to check it out. You walk up to the venue and saw the band New Kids on the Block. "Holy shit" you said to yourself. You were there for the last 30 minutes of the concert the it ended. You walked over to the swings trying to process that you just saw your favorite band. You were looking down at the ground when someone came up to you and sat in the swing next to you. You looked next to you and saw the one and only Donnie Wahlburge. "Holy fucking shit" I whispered. "Hi" he said with a smile. "Y-you were really good up there" I stuttered. "Thank you. You looked like you were enjoying it" he said. "You saw me?" You asked. "I couldn't keep my eyes off of you" he said looking at you like he was in love. You started to blush so you put your head down. "How about we ditch this place and go get some food?" He said grabbing your hand. "Yeah that would be amazing" you said and got off the swing. He got up too and again, the rest is history.

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