"Upozornenie polovica bude po anglicki a spicy sceni v 2 casti a ja mam najradsej ked sa niekomu nieco stane takze preto su to urazi a taketo dalsie debilinky"Dream: zobudil som sa idem natocit niake video...
(so hi guys how are you guys so you now what we are gonna play its speed run again BUT we are not running from george, sapnap and other one we are running from endermans and they are controlled by a player...) "to bolo vo videu"
Asi by som mohol ist za georgom
George: idem napisat dreamovi nech dojde nudim sa
Dream: idem napisat georgovi ci mozem ist k nemu
Zacali si pisat:
Dream: ahoj george
George: ahoj dream
Dream: ja sa len chcem opitat ci by som nemohol prist k tebe
George: aj ja som sa chcel spitat ci nemohol by si prist ku mne ale bol by som rad kebize dojdes ku mne ak mozes
Dream: ano mozem dojst
George: YAY!
Dream: :)))"Dopisali si"
"Dream zazvonil georgovi na dvere"
"George isiel otvorit"George: DREAM
"Skocil na dreama"
Dream: no podme do vnutra
George: ok
"Prisli do georgovej izbi"
"Dream si sadol na georgovu postel"
"George si sadol na stolicku"Dream: pod sem si sadnut vedla mna
George:ok"George si sadol vedla neho"
"Dream si ho posadil na seba"
"George hovori nervozne"George: c-co r-robis?
"Dream dal pusu georgovi"
George: "blushes"
Dream: i love you
George: i-i love y-you too
Dream: podme ku mne domov
George: ok"Dream zobere georga na ruky"
"George nervozne sa pozrel naňho"
"Prisli k dreamovi domov"
"George sa zacne triast od nervozity"Dream: george klud
"George sa zacal triast este viac"
"Dream obial george abi sa prestal triast"
"George sa zacal triast este viac a dream nevedel co robit"
"George prestal vnimat okolie"Dream: george, george, GEORGE,
Dream: george kukni sa na mna"George nevnimal nic takze nic nespravil"
Dream: george are you ok?
Dream: george can you hear me?
Dream: george?"George konecne zacal vnimat okolie"
Dream: george is everything ok?
George: dream?
Dream: george are you ok?
George: oh yeah its just
Dream: what is it
George: my head hurt like a hell and i dont fell well
Dream: everything is ok i will be right back
George: dream please dont leave
Dream: i wont"Dream si sadol vedla georga"
"George si lahol nanho"
"Dream si lahol tiez"
"George zaspal"
"Dream ho zakril a isiel pre nieco"
"George had a really bad nightmare while he was asleep"
"Dream prisiel spät do jeho izbi a videl georga plakat"
"George sa zobudil a bal sa ze sa to realne stalo"
"Dream si sadol pri georga"Dream: is everything ok?
Geoge: yeah i just have a really bad nightmare
Dream: what was it about
George: about you
Dream: and?
George:it was about that you died bc you jumped off the roof
Dream: its ok im here
George: i wanna sleep with you
Dream: alrighty"Dream a george isli spat spolu"
"Rano ked sa zobudili"
George: mal by som uz ist domov. či este mozem zostat?
Dream: este zostaň
George: ok
Dream: idem do sprchi nechces ist so mnou
George: nie!
Dream: ok 😏"Dream vosiel do sprchi a zacal sa sprchovat"
"3 min. bol v sprche"
"Otvoril sprchu"Dream: george mam v izbe uterak donesies mi ho prosim
George: ok"George mu priniesol uterak so zatvorenimi ocami"
Dream: you can open your eyes
"George si otvoril oci"
George: "blushes too much"
"George sa vratil to dreamovej izbi"
"Dream prisiel do jeho izbi"George: why did you tell me i can open my eyes
Dream: bc i love you
George: "blushes too too much"
Dream: are you going to shower too?
George: yeah"George isiel do sprchi a zacal sa sprchovat"
Dream: opitam sa georga ze ci by chcel bivat so mnou
"George visiel zo sprchi"
"George prisiel do dreamovej izbi"Dream: george do you wanna live here with me?
George: well i wanted to ask you if i can live with you but i thinked i wont ask you that bc it would be kinda crazy
Dream: oh well so you wanted to live here so im gonna say we are going to your house to pack clothes and you will live here
George: YAY!"Dream a george isli k georgovi abi si zbalil veci"
"George si zbalil veci a isli naspät k dreamovi"Dream: so if you live here now lets go unpack you
George: ok"They are unpacking georges stuff"
"After unpack"Dream: were you cold when we was going to your house?
George: no i wanst
Dream: i was"After that day they went to sleep"
"George started coughing at night"
"Dream hear that so he came to george"Dream: george i heard you coughing
George: well i was cold when we were going to pack my clothes
Dream: you didnt even have a sweater
George: i know
Dream: just go to sleep
George: ok"They went back to sleep"
"After night"
"George was sick"George: "coughing too hard"
"Dream came to george"
Dream: george are you ok?
George: yeah
Dream: you heart is beating too hard
George: "coughing too hard"
George: yeah
Dream: your coughing too hard i dont think your ok
George: im ok
George: "coughing too hard"
Dream: thats it im taking you to doctor
George: no!
Dream: yes!
George: no!
Dream: yes!
George: no!
Dream: yes!
George: fine
Dream: :)"They went to doctor"
Doctor: hes so sick he needs to stay home and someone needs to take care of him
Dream: ok i will take a good care of him"Dream take george on his hands and they went back home"
"Ked sa vratili domov george zaspal"
"Dream ho dal na postel a isiel natocit video"(Hi guys how are you on this video we will play roblox idk why and the game in roblox is squid game someone just asked why george is isnt making videos hes not making bc hes so sick at my home...) "he was saing it on the video"
Part 2 comming soon
Part 2 uz bude iba po SK
Dream x George
Fiksi PenggemarUpozornenie: budu tam nadavky a spicy sceny a zla gramatika (pls dont kill me) a este tam budu slova po anglicky