You find out you're pregnant

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I don't like the pregnancy one's so this pregnant situation is gonna only be for this chapter, enjoy!

{Shu Sakamaki}

"Shu..." You call. Shu didn't answer, he's sleeping and you don't know if he can hear you, "Shu... I haven't had my period for two months, since then, I haven't been feeling well on certain times..." Shu's eyes opened wide and he sat up.

"Are you telling me... You're either unhealthy or you're pregnant." You're not unhealthy so you must be pregnant. You sighed then smiled, "If I am pregnant then get prepared for a child in seven months!" You say hugging Shu and he smirked, "Then we can have another one~" you giggled then Shu sat you on his lap with your front facing him.

Shu put a hand on your torso and he rubbed the other hand on your belly, "The baby will be beautiful or handsome" Shu said then he kissed you.

{Reiji Sakamaki}

You came to Reiji's room and he sat there staring at you like bruh... So you came in here without permission?

You sighed and apologized, "I'm sorry. For two months now, my period has been delayed... I'm not feeling well... Do you know what's going on?" Reiji rubbed his eyes and got up to the book shelf and grabbed a book, "See if this answers anything. If it does then let me know."

You left and read the book. You were puzzled about this. One you finished reading, you came to Reiji and handed him the book, "Well?" He asked taking the book and putting it on the shelf. "I'm...pregnant..." You said looking down and blushing.

Reiji formed a smirk and looked at you, "I'm fully aware" you had a bewildered look but filled with confusion, "You are?" Reiji chuckled and nodded his head, "Yeah. That's nice isn't it? We'll have a child." Reiji said putting his hand on your belly then he kissed it. You blushed harder for he knew, did he plan it?

{Ayato Sakamaki}

"Ayato!!!" You yell. "AYATO! Ayato! AyAtO! aYaTo! ayato!"

"What!?" He yells teleporting in your room. "I haven't had my period for two months! I haven't been feeling good for certain days! Explain this to me!" Ayato blinked then shrugged, "What am I to do?"

"Why is this happening?" You say jumping up but you stumbled and fell on your butt, "Ow! The fuck?!"

Ayato helped you up and walked you out of your room to Reiji, "Maybe Reiji has an explanation..." You arrived at Reiji's room and you explained your situation. "Ayato?" Reiji called. "Yes?" Ayato answered.

"Have you been doing.... Um... Have you been doing stuff privately with (Y/N)? Like if you were to get her pregnant?" Ayato blushed at the question and slowly shook his head. "It appears that you got (Y/N) pregnant. Congratulations I guess..."

"I'm pregnant..." You said and Ayato hugged you, "Heh- well... I'll be ready for a child..." Ayato carried you to your room and took extra care of you.

{Kanato Sakamaki}

You sat on the couch with Kanato's siblings, "When are you gonna tell him about your problems?" Ayato asked. "I don't know-"

"Tell me what?" Kanato asked appearing beside you. "Well... I've been missing out on my lady day for two months and-"

"Two months and you're telling me this now!? Teddy, does (Y/N) not trust me enough to tell me something that happened or happening for two months!?" You gulped and Kanato looked at you for you to continue, "And for certain days, I haven't been feeling well and I've been... Filled with gas..."

Kanato stared at you then shrugged, "Simple, you're pregnant" you blushed and his other twins laughed, "Ooo~ Kanato got (Y/N) pregnant~ tell me (Y/N), how did that happen? I want all of the details~" Laito teased. You scoffed and Kanato teleported you to your room.

"Well, I'm a dad eh?" You nodded, "It'll make it..." You say and Kanato rubbed your belly, "This will be great right teddy?"

Kanato hugged you with a smile, "It'll make it" Kanato assured.

{Laito Sakamaki}

You walked to Laito's room and he's standing like he's been waiting for you, "Hello Little Bitch, what brings you here~?"

You stand there and rubbed the back of your head, "Tell me. I've been missing my period for two months and I've been moody... Why is that?" Laito raised an eyesbrow and rubbed his chin.

"I... You must be pregnant..." You gasped and rubbed your belly, "Really?" Laito came to you and rubbed your belly, "And when he or she comes out, we can make another baby~" he kissed your belly and you sighed, "I told myself that I'd never get pregnant... Little did I know that life put me with a pervert who happens to get me pregnant... Should I be surprised?" Laito frowned at your statement, "Ok? So what? Are you not happy to have me?"

"I'm sorry... I didn't think I'd be pregnant in life... I don't know what to do..." Laito stood up and hugged you, "That's what dads are for right? To help the mother." (Sadly all dads aren't like that...😒)

You smiled and hugged Laito back. You then felt pain in your neck and you knew Laito is sucking your blood.

Laito soon departed and took you to your room.

{Subaru Sakamaki}

You've been gagging and vomiting today and you don't know why it all of a sudden happened. You found Subaru and he spotted you, "I need an explanation... For two months my period has been delayed, I've been moody and sick on certain days... Why?" Subaru shrugged then he took you to Reiji. You told Reiji your problems and Reiji sighed.

"By the sound of it, you're unhealthy or.... You're pregnant." Reiji said fixing his glasses. Subaru turned completely pale and he fainted, "Subaru?"

Reiji gave you a book and you read it. You gave it back when you were done reading and Subaru blushed, "She is...pregnant?" Reiji nodded and Subaru looked like he was gonna faint again. "Well then... I am gonna be a mother" you say smiling at Subaru.

Subaru hesitated to touch your belly so you grabbed his hand and put it there yourself, "I..." Subaru fainted again.

Who knew? Subaru is a cute tsundere...

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