Beast & the Beauty .

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Part One

I wake up, the light shining down into my eyes brighter, whiter than usual. My ears are ringing, screeching but slowly coming back to normal because I'm starting to hear voices, voices I don't recognize. What the hell is going on, shit. It all comes back to me now, I cringe in the thought of Derek's eyes, so dark and filled with evil and his ice cold hands. He beats me, he beats me just because he's bored, when he's pissed, when he's drunk, whenever he can whenever he wants. He's my mate, I can't leave him or I'd more than likely be dead in 5 miles of running away. Last night he had come home, drunk and more angry than usual he had lost his job and went to the bar and decided to come home and take out his anger on me of course. This was one of the worse beatings I have ever gotten from him, I remember saying my goodbyes to my family in my head as he threw me onto the floor I could hear my rib crack. "Your name?" the doctor said. "V-V-Valanteen, where am I, what happened?" "You're in Mercy Hospital, I'm Dr. Grey I've been taking care of you since you were flown in which was around 4 am on the 15th. You were checked in to Borgess county hospital around 2 am, a girl named Addison said you had been beaten." Oh no, Adi is my best friend she knows what goes on in my relationship and she doesn't like it but she promised she would never tell. If she did he would kill her and I. Fuck, how bad did he hurt me Mercy west!? This place is for life support and dominoe surgery's. Why am I here. "She said you were walking home from a bar and a couple of masked guys beat you and robbed you. You lost a lot of blood, 7 of your ribs broken, fractured ankle, concussion and a cracked skull, you nearly died 3 times. You're stable now and there seems to be no more complications and healing well. We had kept you in acoma for 2 weeks for the swelling of your brain." I've been in here for 2 weeks!? Oh my god, I can feel the tears falling hot down my face streaming. I can't believe he would do this to me. Has he even came to visit. I just can't believe this happened.

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