Eric Macgregor

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There I was, sleeping peacefully when something hard hit me, waking me up. I tried to ignore the weight on me until it started tickling me. I opened my eyes and was looking at what in gods name.

"Matthew?" I said while squinting.


"Matthew what in the world is wrong with you! It's so early," I groaned, "And your heavy, get off!" I yelled at him.

"Not until you get up. We have school today. Muhahaha!" He started tickling me again.

I laughed, "Ok, ok, stop, I’m up, I’m up!"

"Better hurry or you'll miss the pancakes cause I’m not saving you any!" He sang and left closing the door.


      I realized then that he had been dressed for school. I jumped up and raced to the shower, trying to hurry. I was starving and I loved pancakes! When I got out of the shower I hurried getting dressed. I put on my white blouse with my black skirt and white flats. I looked like I was going to a private school or one with a dress code. I groaned I hoped no one noticed I didn’t have much clothes. I went downstairs and sat at the table.

"I see your up," Matthew smiled.

I glared, "Thank you for the morning wake up call," I said sarcastically. 

"Its was nothing," he smiled again.

I wanted to smack him, stupid smiling fool.

"What morning wake up call?" My dad asked me.

"Matthew..." I started but Matthew interrupted me.

"I was just making sure Frankie was up for school, after all it's her first day. I know she wants to get there early so she can find her classes, I just made sure she was up by going to tell her that it was time for school Sir." My mouth was hanging open. This guy was good. Too good I couldn’t believe it. He smirked and gave me a mischievous wink.

"Is this true Frankie?" I nodded. What else could I do. 

"You guys hurry up and eat," dad said.

"Do you have your backpacks?" Ally asked us, "it's time for school."

"I don’t have one but I can use my purse until I get one, it's pretty big," I replied.

She nodded, "I'm taking you shopping after school so make sure you guys come straight home," she said firmly.

"I’m going to drive you to school because I have to talk to the principle and make sure you have everything, but Matthew has a car and will be bringing you home. We'll go car shopping soon so you can get a car," my dad tells me.

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