before we start!

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Hey everyone! I'm the creator of this book! To put this book into a brief description, This is a book of all my OC's (original characters) backstories written in chapters,This will also be a place for me to share my book previews, so think of this as a quick view into my ideas!

Now, onto the stuff i really wanted to talk about, requests! If you want your OC story written by me, here's the place to request it! don't be shy, I love writing, so this would overall just be fun for me!

So, onto request rules, and what i would like specified.

Rules are pretty simple,  I won't do anything NSFW, and i will only hint towards things like r*pe, and please put a warning if you want me to write about that. things like su*cide, abuse, murder, or anything that may be emotionally saddening, or may bring back memories. If you do see something that you may be sensitive to, please move on to the next chapter.

i will not do any type of p*dopilia,similar to r*pe, i will only hint towards it, if it is part of the characters trauma. (Ex; a dad who likes his daughter, but the daughter does not share the same feelings, and is part of her trauma), but if you mean like an actual relationship,please don't suggest that. I'm not going to do that, so please, don't. same thing with incest, and necrophilia. 

description should include eye color,hair color, length, and texture, what they wear usually, and if you change scene's, the outfit change (this is optional, i can make the outfit change for you ^^), if they have a specific body type, and pronouns. I would appreciate a setting description to, but that is also optional!

I hope those of you who are reading this book enjoy! 

that's all from me!

- d0rthy ♡

Book of OC backstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now