ch.iv:in the closet

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"Don't e'en go there cowbwah! 'Cause I know sum!" Chance yelled, slapping his card down on the table. "Now what? Say sum." He boasted, beating his chest as he stood up from the table taking a victory lap.

"It's Phase 10 my nigga, chill the fuck out." Hakeem said, collecting the cards from everyone to shuffle.

"But I'm the champ. I knock all this shit over!"

"Ayo. Take the liquor from this man." Laya laughed, looking over at Von with raised eyebrows. "I got a game we can play! Who wanna do spin the bottle?" Laya asked, raising her hand at her own question. "We got plenty of empty bottles from The Champ here." She laughed, getting up to grab one off of the table.

"I'm not playing." I said surely.

"Why?" Laya asked.

"Why? You scared you gone have to kiss a dude?" Cowboy asked.

"Why would I be scared? I'm secure."

"You secure? Kiss me then." Chance yelled across the room. I rolled my eyes at him. He's drunk, obviously. Otherwise, he'd be quiet and to himself in some obscure unpopulated spot in the room.

"Why the fuck would I kiss you?"

"I thought you was secure, bro?" Cowboy said. I was about to respond but Chance grabbed my waist from behind, resting his head on my shoulder and everyone started chanting "kiss kiss kiss." Like some fucking kids.

"I'll give you $20 if you kiss forreal. Not no peck, a kiss kiss." Laya boasted, pulling $20 out of her pocket, waiving it in the air. Ari took a sip from her cup then was waving it in the air. "I'll pay to see that!" She laughed, standing next to Laya on the other side of the room.

"I guess they don't know you already kissed me for free." He whispered in my ear. Nobody noticed since he was already all up on me. They also didn't notice how warm I was getting from him being this close to me in front of people. I was scared as hell.

"Gimme the money first." I said calmly, looking around the room trying to read everyone's faces. She handed it to me and Chance turned me around by my waist so I was facing him.

"Somebody get this shit, I wanna nut to it later!" He yelled, letting my waist go. I pushed him away, handing the money back to Laya making a stank face.

"Nah, you taking it too far, now." I said walking away, finding my seat on the ottoman. Everyone else laughed, but I'm glad that that shit is over with.

"Who wanna go first?" Laya asked as everyone made their way over to where she and I were, making something resembling a circle.

"I'll go." Lucky said, smirking at Laya. I guess he don't know that she not into guys right now. I said right now because sometimes she is but most times she's not. And, I've never seen her with a guy other than Von— but I don't think they've ever been together together.

Lucky spun the bottle in the middle of the circle and it landed on Laya, of course. The first round of spin the bottle is just a kiss. Like a little peck really, but sometimes people go over board. Every time I've ever landed on someone I didn't want to kiss, they went overboard. I'm not saying no names— it was Chance.

Lucky got up and walked over to Laya and lifted her chin up with his index finger and pecked her on the lips. Everyone was like, "oooohhh." Especially Ari.

"Damn, land on me next." She said, ogling him while he walked back to his seat. It went like that for the next couple of minutes until Laya decided it was getting boring and changed the rules. Now, whoever the bottle lands on has to go into the bathroom together for two minutes. Thankfully, the bottle has yet to land on me— I deadpanned Chance then rolled my eyes. I spoke too soon.

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