zero - author's note

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Hello gaymers

First off, Rubix owns the story and the characters, I'm just a fan leeching off them because me love Bennett, you get me?

Maybe before proceeding further, consider adding this book to your library, or reading list, so that if zombies suddenly attack and internet goes you have a way to come back and give it a chance :) 

Totally if you want, of course. This is a democracy, not a dictatorship. And your first thought after surviving a near apocalypse might not be finding that one random bennomi fanfic. So.

This is set in the tggbb universe but I'll change details as I want according to plot necessities, timeline is just senior year college applications rush period because I will be projecting. 

Important note : Please don't be rude in the comments, or just in general.

copyright © RubixCube89201 for the characters and the world of The Good Girl's Bad Boys

I hope you guys like it,
Hazel <3

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