un - hold me close

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Naomi wouldn't call herself oblivious.

In fact, she'd argue that intentionally ignoring obvious hints to bask in the bliss of ignorance is a healthy emotional decision. It's not denial, it's just avoidance. It works.

Unfortunately, Naomi would be wrong.

She is wrong when she excuses the linger of her eyes on a certain raven as a habit of observation, or attributes the spark at the brush of a hand to transfer of electric current.

She tells herself the cacophony in her stomach is because of hunger, and the warmth in her chest is a case of cholesterol.

None of it is, though. It's just the simple pull of blue eyes that's disrupting her trail of thought, and reserved smiles that heat up her cheeks more than she'd ever admit.

It's Bennett, to be exact - and Naomi never thought she'd find herself unable to differentiate between platonic and romantic feelings.

She does what she always has - reads to find an answer.

How to Differentiate between Love and Friendship - WikiHow.

1. Take a closer look at your feelings

Naomi spends time considering her emotions, the intensity of them when applied to her other best friends as opposed to one particular best friend. There's chemistry in both, and there's care and strong feelings.

What there isn't though, she lets herself realize, with a vow to suppress whatever awakens - is giddiness. She's excited when she's talking to her friends, but she isn't giddy.

Their eyes don't make her feel special. Appreciated, yes. Seen and heard, too.

But like she's one of a kind and the most beautiful thing they ever saw? Not really.

2. Notice physical reactions.

That's slightly harder, because Bennett's relationship with touch is weird, and Naomi is pretty sure he'd notice if she tried to assess every small gesture of physical contact.

"Maybe you become nervous or flustered," The article says, and a voice that sounds annoyingly like Jordan agrees.

3. Compare the relationship to others.

She has, multiple times. It's what's kept her back from letting her feelings develop, or acknowledging what's already developed - she doesn't want them to come between her friendship. Not her and Bennett's, or her and Declan's, or her and Jordan's.

Though, if the blonde ever asked, she'd say yes to cutting ties just to watch him bring out the dramatics.

Naomi sighs, it was going to be a long fall.


"Oh my God, Bennett's high out of his mind."

Jordan sounds too giddy for someone whose best friend is staring at him with eyes blankly absent of recognition.

"We don't use that term," The doctor corrects him, "He's just on the pain meds. The anaesthetics cause temporary memory loss, but it should all be fine by tomorrow."

Declan nods at him, and the doctor leaves, leaving the three alone to circle around their best friend's bed - the same friend who had a sudden decision to get his wisdom tooth removed and only told them when the hosptial said he'd need someone to sign for him, indicating they'd take him back home as he'd be too high to drive.

High on medications, that is.

"This is the best day of my life," Jordan giggles, stifling a full laugh as Bennett tries to reach for something on the table, and fails, making a water bottle fall to the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2021 ⏰

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