Chapter 1: Childhood

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"Oh, no. We're starting here?"

A pregnant woman was laying down on her bed screaming. She had just given birth to a baby boy. The doctor held the baby up by his feet, and he and the two nurses with were all looking at the baby with confusion.

"Okay. From the very beginning I've always made a statement."

A woman named Catherine places the baby boy down into a stroller, revealing his hair which was half black and half white. His mother pushed the stroller outside, and an old lady that was walking by bent over the stroller to look at the baby.

"Not everyone appreciates that."

"That's unfortunate." The old woman commmented, having noticed the baby's odd appearance.

"But I wasn't for everyone."

The boys mother ignored the woman and bent over the stroller to tuck him in some blankets, causing her necklace to dangle over him. The necklace had a gold chain with a red stone at the end of it.

"Speaking of statements, here's one."

The baby reached his small hand out and grabbed at the jewel of the necklace.

"That necklace is the reason I'm dead. But I'm getting ahead of myself."


"From an early age I realized I saw the world differently than everyone else."

The boy was now a toddler and he was sitting at a table with his mother and they were both sewing little outfits.

"Look!" The boy said, holding up his stuffed bear that was wearing an outfit the boy had made for it. Only, the outfit was very different from the pattern he was supposed to be using.

"Well, that's not the pattern. You have to follow the pattern. There's a way of doing things." Catherine gently instructed him, holding up the shirt she had been making.

"That's ugly." The boy bluntly replied.

"Including my mother."

"That's cruel. Your name's Estello, not Cruello." His mother joked.

The boy retaliated by snatching the tiny shirt away from her and ripping it in half, making her gasp.


"It wasn't her I was challenging. It was the world."

Estello was now standing with Catherine across from a school, in his new school uniform.

"But of course my mother knew that. That's what worried her."

"Remember, you belong here as much as anyone. They're lucky to have you." She told him.

"Agreed." He replied.

"Hey." His mother tapped his arm, making him look at her. "What do you say to Cruello when he tried to get the better of you?" She asked.

"Thank you for coming, but you may go now." Estello recited.

"Good. Now say goodbye to him." His mother instructed.

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