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Pierre - Ryn Weaver

Eleanor Florence

"I want the pink but I feel as though the blue is just screaming my name" Cecilia used her hands to over explain what she was saying as she stared into a paddock of roses, Draco locked in her arm and Eleanor by their side "What do you think, Draco?"

"I think roses are cliche" he answered, eyeing Eleanor subtly with a small smirk on his face "I like them better when they're dead" Eleanor held her head down to contain the smile on her face.

She wasn't really sure why she had to be here right now but Cecilia insisted she come and help 'Decide' on some of her wedding plans.

Meaning that Cecilia wished to throw everything in Eleanor's face, including the way she held onto Draco like her life depended on it. It didn't bother Eleanor much, the events of last night wouldn't stop playing in her head, the way Draco made her feel still sent chills down her body and between her legs.

Nothing Cecilia said could change that.

"What do you think, Eleanor?" At once, Cecilia and Draco both snapped their heads towards Eleanor. She froze slightly, this was the first time Cecilia had spoken to her since they arrived in town and she hadn't an answer prepped.

She cleared her throat "I like dark red, maybe the purple"

Cecilia scoffed "Forget I asked" Cecilia rolled her eyes and turned back to the roses, taking Draco along with her.

"I suppose it doesn't really matter what colour you pick" Eleanor said under her breath, hoping no one heard but also hoping everyone did at the same time.

"I think it matters quite a lot" She flinched in surprise slightly at the deep voice lingering behind her ear, she cocked her head to the side and watched as Lucius pushed past her "Come dear, these two are no help anyway" he linked his arm in Cecilia's and proceeded to drag her away from Draco and Eleanor until they were out of sight in the crowd of people.

"Well, that's one way to get out of vigorously boring chatter" Draco spun around with a huff and held his arm out towards Eleanor "Care to join?"

"Prince, we're in the middle of a village—"

"I don't see anyone caring" he shook his head and looked around himself. No one battered an eyelash except for ser Barrington who was only there for their safety when in public, the other guard wondered off with Lucius and Cecilia "You don't care do you, Ser Barrington?"

"Oh, no. Not at all Your Majesty" he gave a short smile.

"See" Draco smirked "Take my arm, Eleanor" she hesitated for a second, if anyone were to see her and Draco this close—anyone who cared...this could land them both in deep water.

But she pushed her worries away and linked her arm around his.

"Stay back slightly but Keep a close eye around us, if anyone we need to worry about appears then I want to know immediately" Draco looked behind himself at the guard who simply nodded his head.

"Where do you plan on taking me?" Eleanor asked.

"It's just a meaningless stroll" Draco shrugged, smiling down at the small children who worked up the courage to say hello or look his way. Eleanor nodded, it had been a while since she just had a 'meaningless stroll' and she had almost forgotten how nice the sun was against her skin, how fresh the air was.

"What's the music?" As they neared a small mall of stores, they could hear the playful banter of people, music echoing loudly as they smiled and clapped their hands "Are they—are they dancing?"

Eminence; Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now