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Avery watched the waiter apologize and walked to clean her table. She was taken back a bit but thought maybe someone did and decided to take the food wrappers after throwing the cup. Avery walked out of Starbucks and fast walked her way to her car at the parking lot with all her bags and a weird feeling tracing behind her.

By the time she went home, it was night time specifically 7:29pm. The sky has turn fully dark with the little white dots of the stars in the sky. Avery drove him and went home to shower, kick the guy out and get some sleep because she had work the next day at 12-4am and she didn't want to be tired while dancing in front of millions of bitches and bros with non-binary people. 

The next day at 11:25pm she got ready for work while Constepating her own life even though she chose her own path. Boom there it is again, the weird feeling but this time she finally got the hand of what the feeling was. Feeling watched. She felt like there is a pair of eyes staring and watching her every movement like a security camera watching. She shrugged it off again thinking she was going insane and went to work like normal. 

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