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TW:useless police officers

The wife was the first to be question as multiple police officers saw her standing at the balcony watching everything and her husband was to first to call the police. They asked the description of the man from the wife and she just kept repeating how 🔥hot🔥 he was just non stop and right in front of her husband too. They went to question the left side neighbor, a high school teacherthat loves ham and baking for others named karen. "They were being loud but I didn't hear any gun shots or screaming just loud noises, I was too scared to see just in case I was next" says the lady innocently. The police didn't care about it since there wasn't any murder or break ins and just left Avery's house.

Avery went over to the karen's house and got patched up with some freshly baked homemade chocolate chip cookies (yum). It was awkward at first but Karen started a conversation "What happened Avery he didn't hurt you as much as I thought he would." Avery was staring at her scratched arm and told Karen everything that happenend while avoiding as much eye contact as possible. Karen gasp after hearing what happened and apologize for what happened to her and asked if she wanted to stay over at her house. Avery thought about it for a second but kindly declined because she has to work tomorrow and doesn't want to bother Karen and get her kind soul involved in this situation.

Avery left karen's house after waving goodbye and thanking her for caring even though they aren't that close. She was patched up with multiple bandages around her body, Avery walked into her house and as she stepped a foot into her own house, she smelt a scent that she knew. Men Cologne. She closed the door and immediately went to the kitchen to grab a knife and started to quietly searched the house being aware of what's around her. After searching the first floor she didn't find anything odd so she slowly went up the stairs while shaking and holding the knife with all her power, she was terrified.

Avery checked all the rooms and there was nothing. She thought she was just insane and paranoid after everything that just happened. Avery set the knife down and went to get ready for bed. 

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