Lovesick Part 2

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Hey guys Author here with another chapter enjoy wow this is diffenitly the shortest thing I've said so far ._.

Hailey:its zander

Jake(boboiboy):!?!??! DID YOU SAY ZANDER?!!?

*The whole class heard Jake and is now looking at him*

Jake(boboiboy): ......

Chemist Techer: is their a problem at the back Jake?

Jake(boboiboy): oh uh no sorry miss 😅

Hailey: *sweatdrops* do you have to make it spectacle everywhere you go -_-"

Jake(boboiboy): sorry I didnt mean to it's just that I had no idea

Hailey: I thought it would have been obvious by now but then again it is you we are talking about

Jake(boboiboy): look all I know is that they are childhood friends in here that is, i wasnt told it was any more than that

Hailey: luke has been pining over zander for nearly as long as the time he met him, I guess he doesnt wanna ruin their friendship in case Zander doesnt feel the same way

Drew: are you gonna keep on talking to your musical girlfriend -_- ?

J,H: !?

Drew: or are you actually gonna help me out here

J,H: dont call me that 😠

Drew: I woudnt have partnered up with you if I knew you would just talk to her for the whole lesson, help me out would you -_-

Jake(Fang): oh sorry drew I'll help *mixed the wrong chemicals creating a explosion*

*after class*

*Jake walks out of the classroom*

*inside jake*

Fang:great detention this is what I get for trying to help -_-

Boboiboy: well if you had let me take countroll solar would have finished it

Fang: -_-"

*back to reality*

Jake(boboiboy):*sees luke putting his stuff inside his locker and still has a sad expression on his face* Zander's really got him down huh? well I've been there before, hmm maybe there's a way me and Fang can help *gets an idea*

Luke: *was about to head somewhere else but Jake would call him*

Jake(boboiboy): hey a-Luke!

Luke: *turns around* oh hey P-Jake

Jake(boboiboy): yeah hey, I couldn't help but notice that you looking pretty down in the dumps today I'm guessing it has something to do with za-a that person you like huh ^^"

Luke: how did you guess?

Jake(boboiboy): well I know you mentioned something about singing yesterday I know your to shy to sing but you could always write them a love song, hey I can even perform it for you if you like

Luke: you'd really do that?

Jake(boboiboy): obcourse I'm sure e-hailey could sacrifice just a few minutes for us during the rehearsals and zander will be right there to watch 😌

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