Lukes song

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Hey guys Author here back with another chapter oh and there's a possibility I might change the title of this chapter, oh and sorry I havent uploaded for a while I was kinda busy 😅

Fang: author didnt felt like updating the past days -_-

Author: heheh😅

Boboiboy: and she had to help her little sister with her modules

Author: yeah😅

Boboiboy: anyways we hope you enjoy this chapter

B,F,A: Enjoy!! ^^


*With Jake at the cafe*

Drew: would you give it a rest already -_-

Henry: I'm not joking around here, ever since last night I cant stop craving it, just thinking about its crunchy leaves makes my mouth drool🤤

Liam: lettuce of all things 👁_👁, are you turning into a rabbit or something -_-?

Henry: hey!, huh, maybe 🤔

Liam: -_-"

Drew: can we talk about something normal for once -_- *crosses arms*, I dont want to listen to your disturbing lettuce fantasies -_-

Henry: WeLl I'm SoRrY yOuR mAjEsTy wHaT dO yOu WaNt To TaLk AbOuT

Drew: well getting back to what I was talking about, zoe's been acting suspicious lately, usually she would ask for new clothes, bags, food, I took her out last weekend and she ask for nothing (sounds like zoe has finnally learned her lesson)

Liam: isnt that a good thing? maybe she's finnally given up on her gold- I mean uh 0>0

Henry: what he means is she probably feels bad, for uh always making you spend money or something heheh heh...😅

Drew: nah she's not the type to care about that, it's pretty suspicious to me, what do you think jake?

Jake(boboiboy): *zones out*

Drew: Jake

Jake(boboiboy): *still zoned out*

Drew: Jake!

Jake(boboiboy): *snaps out of it* huh, oh yeah I agree your totally right drew ^^"

Drew: *sweatdrops* you havent been listening to a word I said have you -_-?

Jake(boboiboy): *sighs* yeah sorry I just zoned out for a second ^^"

Drew: *scoffs* what's wrong you miss your freak friends or something? 😏

Jake(boboiboy): *sighs* dont call them that....

Drew: heh, which part freak or friends?, you know I'm starting to actually wonder whether you actually prefer their company over ours

Henry: when you put it like that it makes you sound jealous

L,H: *laughs*

Drew: *has a hint of blush* shut up -_-, *the blush would disappear* I'm just saying you used to care to listen to me ( Drew I swear....)

Jake(boboiboy): now dont be like that drew, you guys are my homies ^^ when you start to be nice to people ^^💢  of course I prefer you guys, I was just uh... *looks around trying to think of something* thinking about how good these cheese sandwiches for lunch were heh...( boi your not really good when it comes to lying -_-")

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