ch. 06

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it's been a while since we moved into L'Manburg..

maybe a few years? well ,,

' Taliyah ' goes by Tommy now

Wil's business seems to be doing good ; he's struggling with keeping peace with the landlords though.

i hope they sort it out soon.

oh yeah about me,,

i' m 14 now.
Wil's just turned 18.
and Tommy is turning 11.
Techno would be 18 as of today too..

i wonder what happened to them ;
Wil tells me not to but i can't help it

the voices miss him too.

<Wilbur Soot> where's Tommy?

Tommy's supposed to be with Tubbo right now.. i was confused?

< Y/N >They told me they were going to hang out with Tubbo?

<Wilbur Soot> they're not here

< Y/N > wdym 'they're not there' ??

i was just panicking at this point. I'm supposed to be in charge of Tommy and he's not with tubbo like they said they would be?

TommyInnit whispered to you: i'm at Wil's caravan.. dont tell him. :)

You whispered to TommyInnit: you are so getting in trouble.

TommyInnit whispered to you: come on y/n my coordinates are *** ** ***

i sighed as i stood up from the couch. walking outside and making my way towards the troublemaker.

it took a while to do so ,, trying not to get caught by Wil or the landlords.

" you are so dead. what were you thinking bringing tubbo with you here as well? "

i didn't shout at him ,, he hates that.

" i wanted to see what was happening with Wil's business ! i thought maybe Tubbo and i could help .. "

i sighed.

" Well we better get back home before Wil catches us- "

" before who catches you ? "

i froze.

" they're with me. don't touch them. "

i cursed underneath my breath. not only had we been caught by Wil , but by one of the landlords as well.

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