Chapter Four - ✔

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Upper East Pavilion, Camp New Moon

A few hours later, Alethea found herself being ushered towards a large marble pavilion, deep within the forest of the camp. Arius deposited her in a hard backed wooden chair, apologetically. There were heavy iron chains loosely tied around the chair, they began to rise, and slowly clamp themselves around her arms. Arius however, snapped his fingers, and the chains immediately recoiled, where they lay, limp and docile. "Alethea, would you mind staying put for a bit?" Arius asked her, "There will be others arriving soon and you'll know what all this fuss is about in a few hours." "Of course," she said, trying for a smile. "Thank you my dear." Arius said "Excuse me please. I have a few things to attend to before the ceremony." As Arius took his leave, Alethea scanned the pavilion and was surprised to see nothing but a small podium in the corner. She waited and waited, and after what seemed like hours, she began to grow increasingly restless. What is this choosing ceremony even about? she wondered, and thought with a pang about what would happen to her if she didn't turn out to be a Wyvern. Whatever that was.

Even more hours passed (if that even seemed possible) and the sun began to set. Alethea had stayed put, just as she was told to. She had seriously considered getting up and walking around - after all, Arius hadn't specifically said "You must sit in this chair for hours like an obedient snail" - but decided against it, grudgingly. Once the sky had turned a magnificent shade of coral, she heard the sound of approaching footsteps. A lot of approaching footsteps. Slowly, children filed into the forest arena. They were all wearing different colored T-shirts. She assumed that those in front of the lines were the leaders of a particular colored group. She scanned the ground - and saw the boy Altan standing in front of a line of people wearing orange T-shirts. Not that she was looking of course. Moments later, Alethea saw Arius and Aesira climb up onto the pavilion. Arius gave her a reassuring smile whereas Aesira merely nodded, without looking at Alethea. Her hand lightly, and apparently unconsciously, flew to her dagger. "Remind me again Arius, what I'm doing here?" Aesira asked exasperatedly. "Aesira," replied Arius patiently. "You know it is common formality that the current head of The Eyraron inaugurates the ceremony."

"Oh." she said, "Alright." As the moon began to rise, and as the clouds parted, Arius gazed upwards. "It is time," he said, "good Luck. Both of you." Alethea tried to calm herself (tried being the key word here, failed being the unsaid) and willed her face to remain as impassive as Aesira's. Aesira stepped behind the podium and raised her hand. Silence fell instantly, as everyone stopped talking abruptly. Aesira seemed to have that commanding and imposing effect that Alethea failed to have on people. She cleared her throat: "Welcome Wyverns. We are gathered here tonight, to witness the choosing of a possible Wyvern." she began, her face unreadable. "When the moon has risen past the Mount Clemance, we will begin the ceremony." Everyone was silent. Most of them were gaping at the pair of them, whereas some were scrutinizing Alethea in a slightly derogatory manner. Minutes passed, and still, everyone waited in silence. Aesira suddenly tensed, as did the crowd. "It is time," she whispered. As Aesira walked towards her, she pulled out something from her sheath. It was long, pointy and silver, as though someone had deliberately cut off a piece of the moon overhead. It, like a pencil, had a lot of sides to it, and had various carvings on its gleaming surface.

Aesira was inches away from touching Alethea's skin when she whispered "Wait." Aesira paused. "What?" she asked. "What am I supposed to do?" she asked Aesira. "When I mark you." Aesira muttered "You will find yourself in a room. You will receive your guidance on how to proceed there." Instead of replying, Alethea asked, "What's that you're holding?" Aesira replied: "This? This is a stele. We use this to engrave runes into a Wyvern's skin. Particularly for the choosing." Alethea nodded slowly. Suddenly, without warning, Aesira began to hum. It was a beautiful hymn - it felt as though the wind, air and light hand united into the song, infusing it with love, courage and hope. As Aesira hummed, she traced her fingers in a pattern along Alethea' s forearm. As she tied off the hymn, she spoke a final binding word: "Dmitris." As the words reverberated in the air, a rune appeared:

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