The Strawberry Farmer and the Dragon King

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The Tarragon Kingdom had been at war with the Mortal Kingdom for nearly a year due to humanity's greed; they sought out the hidden riches that belonged to the dragon hybrids—though hybrids appeared human, they weren't considered mortal due to their overwhelming strength. Lives had been lost on both sides, but the humans were losing far more drastically, and the king was forced into surrendering for the sake of his people.

The king of the Mortal Kingdom, known as King Jihyuk had to plead to meet with the opposing king in order to surrender properly, and he—along with his council awaited in front of the castle. Most of them were trembling, but Jihyuk remained stoic as he glared into the sky and watched six dragons land before him with a strength that had the ground trembling. Blue fire circled the largest dragon with scales a gradient of blue and purple, and as the fire dispersed, the dragon had transformed into a man with a threatening look in his dark eyes.

Jihyuk didn't have a chance to plead for forgiveness because the dragon king, Jeon Jungkook, punched him across the nose roughly—immediately breaking it. Jungkook's dark brown eyes shifted into a dangerous sapphire blue, and his blue flame circled his feet as he struggled to keep his composure.

He wore a dark suit that matched the dark look in his eyes. "Fucking monster, I should kill you for the fucking hell you've put my family through! Do you have any idea how many dragon eggs you've destroyed?!" Jeon Jungkook had a blue streak across his dark black hair that was sleeked back, and his facial features only appeared sharper as he glared at the human. "Beg!" He screamed, his powerful voice echoing around them.

The council immediately trembled as they fell to their knees, but King Jihyuk only lightly wiped his bloody nose as he gradually fell to his knees. "Forgive us for our greed—it was a mistake! Stupid stories of hidden treasures in your kingdom, but it will never happen again. We will never do anything to hurt your family or your kingdom again—"

Jungkook scoffed bitterly, his eyes returning to their usual dark brown as he looked back to smirk at the dragons that remained behind him, but they appeared ready to strike at any moment. King Jungkook turned back to Jihyuk and he couldn't help but glare at him, "I am not naïve, so I will not be so easily persuaded because you and I both know that the Mortal Kingdom deserves to be engulfed in flames after the shit you put my family through."

King Jihyuk was sputtering, his body shaking as he frantically shook his head, "You have to believe me—please! My people have suffered enough—" He cried out, but he was startled when Jungkook's eyes shifted to sapphire again. That clearly agitated the dragon and Jihyuk nodded slowly, "I'll do anything." He vowed softly, his heart racing as he feared the worst. "I'll do anything to prove that we would never cause any harm again—"

"Anything?" His voice was thick with amusement and Jihyuk knew he would regret it, but he nodded. "I heard you have a child." His smile grew as Jihyuk appeared more distressed, but the human remained frozen from fear as Jungkook continued, "They're of age, are they not?" It was a challenge, and Jihyuk felt his throat tighten as he nodded.

"Yes...23 years old to be precise." He whispered carefully, his body trembling as he thought of his heir with fear settling in the pit of his stomach.

"Prove that you are willing to make a permanent alliance with my kingdom by giving me your only heir." Jungkook couldn't help himself as his smile only grew at the sight of the mortal king's face paling at the thought of his child marrying a dragon. "We will hold a traditional binding ceremony here in your kingdom for all to witness and accept this new alliance, and in a year, we will hold a traditional mortal wedding at my kingdom to showcase your tradition to my family."

Jihyuk's blood ran cold, his eyes were widened but he managed to ask in a low, shaky voice, "Why a year?"

"For the hell you've put us through, you don't deserve to see your child for an entire year. Suffer as you imagine them chained up in my lair." He smirked when Jihyuk started breathing shakily, "Understand that if you refuse this proposal then the war continues. I will not take any more risks, so what is your answer?" His question was curt, eyes dangerous as he stared at the human while his dragons opened their mouths in preparation to burn down the castle.

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