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A/N: Look at me go, two chapters in one month!

Chrystal pulled Buttercup by her arm down a winding hallway she had never seen before. Buttercup overflowed with the same question.

"What's wrong? Chrystal, what's-" she stopped short as they entered a room with glass walls, all covered in surgical tools. A man in scrubs stood against the opposite wall speaking urgently into a walkie-talkie style device. Chrystal left Buttercup standing shell shocked in the doorway. She whispered to the man hurriedly, throwing the odd glance in Buttercups direction. The man nodded slowly and headed towards buttercup.

He pulled down his crinkled mask and knelt in front of Buttercup.

"Hello." Buttercup remained silent. "I am doctor Dessen, and I hear that you have managed to work your way into the life of my star patient; Imagine." He paused, giving her a chance to talk. She only continued to stare at him with wide eyes.

"Well, Imagine is not doing so well." At this buttercup did interject.

"She's dying." The doctor nodded solemnly.

"Yes, yes she is." He wrapped his hands around one of Buttercups and she felt a ring through the gloves he wore. The image of her fathers wedding ring, left carelessly on the rim of the bathroom, sink floated in the back of her mind.

"Imagine has lung cancer, a normally incurable burden. But, as I am sure you know, our technology is a little more advanced then your basic earthen doctors have." Buttercup scrunched her brow, that word again 'earthen'. As though these people were not from earth. As though the building was not on earth.

"Keep in mind her chances are still slim even here." Chrystal cleared her throat behind him and stood before turning in her direction. Buttercup felt the sliver of hope draining from her.

"Let us show you." Chrystal held out her hand and Buttercup took it gratefully. Her soft skin was a welcome comfort after the foreign material of the Doctor's gloves. Chrystal let their arms hang as they walked through yet another door and down a new hallway.

They were greeted by another doctor when they reached the hallways end, she told Buttercup that her name was doctor Meyson and she specialized in the care of children. Doctor Dessen disappeared around a corner and Buttercup heard him slam a door.

"Patient 221. . ." Doctor Meyson shook her head as she read the number off of Buttercups sleeve. Chrystal made an impatient noise in her throat.

"I'm afraid patient 132 is ill." Buttercup nodded and wrapped her arms around herself.

"She has lung cancer and if it is not stopped soon it will spread. Lung cancer is not usually a curable condition." Doctor Meyson continued in a similar fashion as Doctor Dessen and Buttercup rubbed her arms.

"Our technology is advanced enough that we have a chance of curing her." Buttercup perked up. "We are able to give her a transplant, a lung transplant that is. Much like a heart transplant or what have you. There is only one downside, we need healthy working lungs." Doctor Dessen came speeding back into the room, cutting Doctor Meyson off and startling Buttercup. Chrystal up looked at him, fear flooding her eyes.

"She needs the transplant as soon as possible, her lungs are failing." The doctors both rushed out of the room, once again slamming the door. Buttercups facade of bravery finally faltered and her knees gave out. Slumping to the floor fat tears started trickling down her cheeks. Chrystal bent down and sat beside her.

"She'll make it. I know she will. She has to." Buttercup was not sure which one of them she was trying to convince

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2015 ⏰

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