new Orleans

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Elena's pov

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Elena's pov

I woke up from the bright sun. I seemed to be in a room I didn't recognize

The room had cream walls with a black accent wall where the bed was. It had black curtains with a small table in front of the double Handel windows. There was a king or queen size bed, with white covers six different pillows and a small black throw blanket at the end. There were also three doors one I'm guessing was a closet another is the door to exit and the last is most likely a bathroom.

I was taken from my thoughts with a knock at the door. "Come in" I responded.

It was a short blonde lady who was dressed in a maid outfit so I'm guessing she's the help. She was carrying a breakfast trey with pancakes and orange juice. It had a neatly folded napkin that contained silverware inside.

"Klaus asked me to bring this up to you" said the help with a smile.

"Thanks" I gave her a slight smile. And she left the room.

There was a note on the Trey, 'eat and be downstairs, you can find your clothes in the closet- Klaus'.

I still can't believe I agreed to come in this trip.


After I finished the food that was brought for me I searched the closet for something to wear.

I decided on some simple blue jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt.

I exited the room, and I was glade to be right in front of the stair case.

Once I reached the bottom Klaus was already waiting for me.

"right on time. You can head out to the car I'll be right out."

I obeyed his words and headed out the the car that I assume is waiting for us.


We shortly reached are destination, which was on the side of a road.

"Where exactly are we going" I asked as the car drove away leaving us.

"We are going to meet a pack of wolf's, I'll simply turn them and your blood will complete the transition." He explained.

"Right" I responded.

After a few minutes of hiking I got tired.

"Can't you like vamp speed us there or something?" I asked clearly out of breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2022 ⏰

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