Chapter 1

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From where I was perched on the roof of a sturdy-built house, I had a clear view of him. That relatively small head for a 16 year old, auburn hair with caramel highlights swept away from those gorgeous green eyes of endless evergreen forests. That thin, but long and lean body barely noticeable at first against the bulkier vikings, stood out like a gem in the sand to me. The air was almost frigid, but he only wore a light long-sleeved green shirt and a brown fur vest. Although he told me he was used to the cold, I always worried about him.  

He was walking through the village plaza with Toothless, his dragon. If there was one thing I was thankful for, it was that scaley beast. Rarely I left Berk anymore, but that dragon was always there to protect him if I wasn't. It was a job we shared.

Why so protective?

Hiccup wasn't just some ordinary viking teenager, especially since that teen is Jack Frost's boyfriend. It didn't take long really. If fate exists, then it took us by surprise and brought us together without mercy. And fate has a way of twisting your life the moment you find that one special thing... Word had gotten round, spreading like wildfire across the world of guardians and sprites and spirits that I'd found love with a mortal. Some of the women, may have called me absolutely crazy, but I never cared one bit. That is, until one specific spirit found out. And that alone was a promise of blood to be spilt.

I smiled as Hiccup looked up towards the roof I perched on, and smiled brightly. I loved the way his eyes just lit up. He waved and I jumped down, sliding down the roof to the ground. He dashed forward, with Toothless at his heels, and I caught him in my arms. He was about even height standing in front of me, just slightly shorter. But that's just how I liked him, so that when I wrapped arms around his waist, he leaned his head on my chest to hear the heart that beat only for him. I gently brought him back with me in the crook between two houses, away from unwanted eyes, almost dancing our way back. His arms had looped up and around my neck and shoulders. And Hiccup chuckled as I kissed his entire beautiful freckled face.

"Jack, it hasn't been that long. Maybe about 8 hours since you've seen me."

"I can't help it. That's way too long sometimes."

I stroked his cheek, and he leaned into the touch. Usually my chill drove away mortals, it was the opposite with Hiccup. I took his hand, tangling our fingers together neatly, and we both looked out on the plaza. No one was there at the moment, all busy with their daily afternoon chores, the coast was clear. So we walked out of the protection of the house's shadow, with Toothless following respectively. He started to list off the day's events, unconciously walking sideways closer to me until basically our shoulders touched. And we took our time walking back up to his house, meandering the pathway in no specific route.

"So after about 3 hours, I finally got the others to do the exercise. It took quite a few...demonstrations from Astrid and I." The grip I held on his hand tightened slightly, and a speckle of fear dripped into my throat down to my chest.

"So you had to fall off Toothless, how many times?"

"Well, about 7 or 8 times."

"....And you weren't hurt, right? Toothless caught you?"

"Yes Jack, I'm fine." He said it with a sigh, we both knew very well that was something dangerous to do, but sometimes I could overreact.

"You know I can't help but worry. I would've felt a little better if I was there."

"I know, me too...." It grew quiet as he trailed off into thoughts unknown. I knew where that trail led, because it's where mine went as well. It wasn't his day to day dangers that he faced that bothered me, I'd gotten used to that quite a while ago. What bothered me was how vunerable it could make him, especially if he did get hurt. And I wasn't there for him, the thought cut deep like a jagged blade. Then I noticed out of the corner of my eye, Hiccup was suddenly laughing to himself. I eyed him curiously.

"What is it?" His eyes glinted with mischief.

"You should've seen Snotlout though. Both him and Hookfang went right through Mildew's roof, and then came back out scared half to death." I smiled and laughed with him.

"He deserved it. Was he trying to show off again?"

"Oh yeah, big time. I ended up laughing so hard that my sides hurt." I could picture all of that in my head, and laughed loudly. Snoutlout, the biggest bloody show pony (as Bunny referred to it) and mutton head there ever was to be, now had to go fix the roof of the meanest old man on Berk. Now that was funny, especially since he had an impending death wish with me. Believe me, if it wasn't for Hiccup, I would've frozen him a thousand times over by now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2015 ⏰

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