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(A very very very long chapter for you guys <3 I'm trying really hard to improve my writing, so tell me what you guys think of it at the end :) if you have any tips or suggestions please comment them or dm me <333 enjoy the story loves <3)


"Hurry it up pretty boy! We only got 5 minutes left!" I shouted across the gym breathing heavily.

"Then hurry up and die!" Bakugou shouted charging back towards me aiming another explosion right to my face.

Dodging another time, I moved to the right ready to blast him away but I was to late as soon as I saw his other hand grab my face and glow.


The explosion went off sending me flying into the wall. I groan in pain and open my eyes seeing bakugou continue to charge at me. I roll over to the other side of the wall as he blasts the cracked wall after me. I push myself off the wall and extend my arms out to blast him.

After I let off my explosion, I looked around the smoke to see if I finally got him only to hear him attack me from above. Another blast pushed me against the ground filling the room with smoke.

I cough slightly feeling the footsteps of bakugou coming closer. His fist crashing down right next to my head as I rolled away. Punch after punch into the ground as I kept rolling away. Till an explosion stopped me from continuing.

"Gotcha." Bakugou grinned, his hand sparking getting ready to blast me as I swung my arm with flames and kicked him away.

I jumped back and landed on my feet balancing myself from falling. "You should see how you look right now! Adorable." I laughed as he aimed a kick to my side. I flipped back landing on the ground as I saw bakugou's fist came charging towards me.

I blocked it as his other arm came straight towards me as I dodged grabbing. "Most people find me intimidating you know."

"I can see that, but whatever they find intimidating, I just find endearing." I smirked dodging his fist and taking his arm and twisting it behind his back.

"I win." I smile as i see his elbow push back and hit my side.

"Damn- that was a good hit." I hold onto my side. He charges towards me making a explosion against the floor.

Smoke filled the area as I looked around for him. I couldn't sniff him out or see him. So I took a deep breath and crouched down to the floor. Pressing my fingertips against it I tried to feel any vibrations but nothing. He wasn't on the ground.

"Damn it." I grumbled as I was pinned down to the ground and the buzzer went off.

He let go of me as I got up rubbing my head. "Okay, I'll give you that one. I was rushing and didn't think." I sighed. "Told you I'd win." Bakugou smirked as I smiled. "As confident as ever." I mumbled about to get up as I saw his hand in front of me.

"Get up dumbass." He grinned. I grabbed his hand as he pulled, almost yanked, me up. "Ouch man, my arm." I chuckled. "If your expecting an apology don't hold your breath." He said walking out of the gym as I followed.

"You think their making dinner at the dorms yet?" I asked grabbing my bag as he shrugged. "Those extras can't even cook anyway."

"Uh huh. So your the only good cook?" I said sarcastically as he scoffed. "Obviously."

"Race you to the dorms?" I speed walked ahead of him gripping onto my bag tightly. He grinned as his hands sparked.

I lit my hands with flames and shoved my shoes in my bag. Pericing my feet, I stretched and got in a running position.

Demon's Love  (Bakugou X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now