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"Quit knocking!" I got up from my bed, swinging the door open. "What?"

"You're gonna be late! Come on!" Mina shouted.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes. "It's fine, I got house arrest today."

"Wait, what!?"


"Woah, all three of you got house arrest!?" Satou put out, bakugou and deku's attention suddenly focused on me.

"It's not a big deal. I mean, these two got in trouble for fighting, I just..." I paused, re-thinking my words.

"Yeah, we know those two fought, but what did you do?" Sero pointed curiously.

"I snuck out to see a friend." I shrugged, treating myself to breakfast as I pour my cereal in a bowl.

"Shouldn't you all get going for some type of orientation?" I mentioned practically making them run out the door.

"It's too early for this." I scratched my head as I took a seat to eat.

The sound of the vacuum stopped, a plastic bag being put down.

"You were there, weren't you?"

I glance up from my breakfast as Deku and Bakugou stood before me.


"Don't play dumb." Bakugou snapped.

"I'm not." I play dumbfounded.

"No one told you we fought y/n.. I won't be mad if you were there -" Deku starts, and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, I was there, okay? I knew about the one for all shit so let's just drop it." I cut him off and keep my focus on my cereal.

My bowl shook as bakugou slammed the table. "How long were you there for?"

Did he have to do that? My milk got everywhere.

"At the end of the fight. Around when all might came. I just heard the rest." I looked back up at bakugou only for him to squint his at me.

"Liar." He glares.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night. I told you the truth so, leave me alone." Letting it out bluntly before Bakugou tched and sat down in front of me.

"You followed us the second we walked out. Those robots sent an alert when you broke one, and it takes at least 15 minutes to walk to ground beta from the dorms. And our fight was shorter than that." He stated. He laid out the facts, clearly doing his research before confronting me.

"You love confronting someone when you get all the evidence, don't you?" I dropped my spoon into my bowl and crossed my arms as I leaned back.

"I heard everything okay?" My gaze unflinching as I stare at Bakugou, whose attempt to intimidate me fails. "I was there the whole time, and the second you left the dorms. I'll be quiet about the one for all things. I kinda knew about it anyway." Ignoring eye contact after, I stared at my empty bowl. Unfazed. Not wanting to give Bakugou any chance to see my uneasiness.

Bakugou clenched his jaw. Deku noticed the tension between us and cut it off. "It's fine! I'll tell all might, I'm sure it's not a problem. He had a feeling you knew anyway." He waved his arm to get my attention.

I blink up at him, my foot tapping on the floor. 

"Alright. You can tell him and stuff. I'm gonna be in my dorm if you need help with anything." I grabbed my bowl as I got up, bakugou's eyes following me as I put it in the sink and headed towards the elevator.

Demon's Love  (Bakugou X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now