It's been two weeks now. Yes two good weeks. Enough time for everyone to have been done with their Assignment but it has come to my notice that some people aren't active anymore.
So this update is to filter those who are inactive and commence with the members who wish to remain in this club.
You can imagine how it feels to read a book you are assigned to read and no body reads yours.
So in other to eradicate that,
Please fill the new form below and expect the next round tomorrow which is Wednesday.
We are really sorry for these inconveniences.Ps: you can input a new book or your old book.
Book title: (please enter just one book for now)
Book status:
Book genre:
Is the book Matured?
It's it an LGBT Category?
What genres do you read: (it can be more than one)
Why do you want to be a part of the club?
What's the rating of your book?: