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"tommy, get the hell up you're gonna be late!" an angry phil yelled across the dining table, "wilbur, wake up your brother, please." phil pleaded, half-jokingly. wilbur sighed as he trudged on upstairs to wake up tommy, he was rather grumpy on mornings.

he walked in to a room only to find someone snoring, with their hand flopping of on the side of the bed.

"tommy, wake up." he said as he pulled his blankets away. "5 more years..." the other mumbled, "tommy, you give me no choice then." wilbur said, he began sprinting downstairs to the kitchen. "i thought phil told you to get tommy?" techno asked, "and what are you doing?" techno watched as wilbur got a glass from the racket next to the sink, filling it up.

"i'm gonna pour water on him." he chuckled as he carefully waked back upstairs, trying not to spill the water.

he opened his brother's bedroom door and went in, going right next to the side of his bed. "oh, tommy!" he sang, dragging the 'y' as he slowly raised the glass of water he had in his hand and poured some on his face. "wilbur, what the hell?!" tommy perked up, his mouth gaping open. "get up, you're almost gonna be late."

"fine." he pouted, dragging the 'i'. wilbur went back downstairs to do whatever, while tommy wiped the water off his face with a towel. he opened his closet and got in some proper clothes.

a purple-ish blue sweater with some random text on that wilbur had brought for him,some dark blue jeans and red sneakers. now, tommy really wasn't one to care about his outward appearance so he basically would wear anything as long as it wasn't weird and stuff (like maid outfits and skirts).

"tommy you shouldn't wear your clothes before brushing your teeth and eating." techno said as he leaned back into his chair, "why's your hair wet?" tommy sighed as he opened the bathroom door, "wilbur poured water on me so i could wake up. he sucks, he really does. " he said, annoyance laced in every word he spoke as he grabbed his toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste, putting on the right amount. the soft bristles touched his teeth, as he brushed them in a circular motion ('detailed descriptions of brushing teeth aren't so bad.' phil told a rather disgusted wilbur).

as he finished, he walked out and sat on his chair only to find a bowl of cereal sitting there, with a metal spoon almost sinking in. tommy quickly picked up the wet spoon, it looked ike it was drowning in the milk, but he didn't care. "dad, why'd you give me froot loops? they suck. i thought i asked you to buy the chocolate ones." tommy whined. "i don't care about that, now eat quickly cause it's almost 8:30!" phil said as he scrubbed techno and wilbur's plates with a soapy sponge.

"get in the car, techno you sit in the middle, tommy you sit on the left and wilbur sits opposite you." phil ushered them in the car as he put on his seatbelt. "but dadza, i don't wanna sit in the back!" wilbur said, dragging the 'a' at the end of 'dadza'. "suck it up, bitch." tommy teased. "tommy, no swearing!" phil yelled at him, buckling his seatbelt.

"have fun at school-or, ehm, college." "yeah yeah, whatever old man." techno said as he unbuckled his seatbelt, making a rather noisy and annoyingly satisfying clicking noise.

the trio got out of the car and bid their dad, in other words 'dadza', goodbye. "so we're going to this hell hole?" wilbur asked, sarcasm laced in the tone he spoke. "no you dumbass, this is gonna be like the damn nether." tommy said. "tommy, the nether was destroyed plenty of years ago, you don't need to talk about that." techno said as he walked towards the entrance, motioning for the other two to follow him as well.

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