Through Louis' eyes

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Authors Note 

Same day just Lou's Point Of View


Louis’ POV:

I was walking out of my hotel in the need of fresh air. I still couldn't believe she broke up with me its been 3 days and while I’m moping around she is snoggling some lad..she cheated on me while I was on tour I need to get over her. As I was aimlessly walking around this small town I ended up at a park.

I made sure I knew where my hotel was because I had a concert starting at 8:30. I pulled my hoodie up and put my glasses on not wanting anyone to spot me.

 I was broken out of thought when I heard a scream quickly I ran looking to see where it was coming from when I saw a girl trying to get away from a lad but he had a tight grip on her wrist.

 “LET ME GO!” she yelled but the idiot only tightened his grip

 “C’mon Byanca” the idiot said

 Finally as he was getting on my nerves I stepped in “ You heard the girl let her go”

 “Mind your business dude” he said getting a better grip on the girl and she gasped him pain.

 I walked closer to him and said ”Well I’m making it my business”

 He pushed the girl to the ground and tried to hit me but I smashed my fist in his face before he had the chance and I watched him fall to the ground “Bloody arsehole” I hissed

 I looked back at the girl and crouched in front of her “Are you ok love” I asked

 she nodded and tried to stand and would’ve hit the floor if I hadn't caught her. “Thank you “she whispered

 “Can you walk”

 “I can try” she said and attempt only to have her walk a couple of feet and gasp every time she used her injured right foot for support. “Thanks for your help umm” she said

 “Louis and you are” I said holding my hand out

 “Byanca” she said and I smiled what a pretty name I thought in my head

 “Well thanks again” she said walking away

 “Wait” I yelled. I found myself interested in this girl there was something about her and I couldn’t let her walk all the way home in pain

 “Yes” she said turning around

 “You should get your ankle looked at” I said and I am now regretting it  ‘you should get your ankle looked at’ idiot I said to myself

“Well it’s 7 at night I’ll just go to the doctor tomorrow” she said

 “Are you going to walk all the way home" I said walking toward her to see what she looked like. All I could tell was that she was a bit shorter then me.

 “That was the plan" she said

 "Why don't you come with me, my hotel is just across the street" I said hoping she would agree

 "I couldn't do that after all you got my ex off my back" she said

 "Well I can't let a pretty girl walk home when she is injured" I said. Smart I thought to myself

 "I don't" she began

 "Not taking no for an answer love" I said picking her up

she tried to refuse but like I said I wasn't taking no for an answer.

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